SEASICK By Kristin Cast and Pintip Dunn

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

SEASICK By Kristin Cast and Pintip DunnSeasick by Kristin Cast, Pintip Dunn
Published by Delacorte Press on 6/11/24
Genres: Contemporary, Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 329
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Ex–best friends Naya Morgan and Yana Bunpraserit have always felt like outsiders in their small Oklahoma town. But this year, everything changes when they’re inducted into an exclusive society of Yatesville High’s top recent graduates. Unimaginable opportunities await them, starting with a celebratory yacht trip to Bermuda. Despite the likely onslaught of microaggressions and backhanded compliments from their peers—in addition to their own rocky past—Yana and Naya are ready for an epic voyage.
Then one of their classmates is brutally murdered, leaving them stuck at sea with a killer. Yana and Naya may have avoided each other for years, yet as the body count rises, rekindling their friendship might be the only way they’ll both survive.

Short and Sweet Review

Naya and Yana aren’t friends anymore but both have received the honor of being included in Yatesville High exclusive society, and they’re about to kick off graduation with a cruise to the Bermuda. When one of their classmates is murdered, everyone realizes they’re out at sea with a killer. Naya and Yana haven’t been friends for a while but the only way for them to survive may be to rekindle their friendship.

I have read a few books with the same trope of murder on a boat, so when I went into this book I wasn’t expecting anything extraordinary. It’s hard to be surprised when you’re stuck out at sea with a killer and there’s not that big of a suspect pool especially when there’s only eight students on board. The mystery takes place over a span of 24 hours. We got the POVs of both Naya and Yana. Naya has spent most of her time with the popular group of kids while Yana has mostly been to herself and spent time working on writing. I didn’t hate the characters but I didn’t find any of them to be likable either. I also thought it was ridiculous to have Naya’s French boyfriend come aboard, his character was over doing it. The pacing was a bit off, there were parts that would get you excited because the story was moving along and then there were parts where it just dragged on unnecessarily. The kills were pretty gruesome and I didn’t mind it mainly because we’re expecting people die. The killers motives were ridiculous but living in the world we do its not exactly far fetched.

Also what’s up with everyone always trying to investigate? I love mysteries but I’ve come to accept that I’m not Nancy Drew. If I ever go on a ship and there’s a murder, I’m going to my room and locking the door until help comes or we’re back to shore.

Overall, this book was okay. I didn’t love it but also I’ve read a few books where a murder takes place on a book and unfortunately they’re all becoming predictable. If you’re into murders on a ship and a bit of mystery then check out this book, but if you’re tired of this trope stay away!

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