BAD GRACES By Kyrie McCauley

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

BAD GRACES By Kyrie McCauleyBad Graces by Kyrie McCauley
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on 6/18/24
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 315
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Liv Whitlock knows she doesn’t belong there. But after years of stumbling between foster homes, often due to her own self-destructive tendencies, Liv desperately needs to change the trajectory of her life . . . so she steals her perfect sister’s identity.

Liv starts to rewrite her story, winning a prestigious internship on a movie set filming in Alaska, and finds herself on a luxury yacht alongside pop star Paris Grace, actress sisters Effie and Miri Knight, Olympic gymnast Rosalind Torres, and social media influencer Celia Jones. Liv tries to find common ground with her famous companions, but just as the group starts to bond, a violent storm wrecks their vessel, stranding them on an island in the North Pacific Ocean.

Among the threats of starvation and exposure, they learn there is a predator lurking in the forest, unlike anything they’ve seen before—until they begin to see it in themselves. Every injury they suffer on the island causes inexplicable changes in their bodies. With little hope for rescue and only each other as their final tether to humanity, can the girls endure the ominous forces at work on the island? Or will they lose themselves to their darker natures?

Short and Sweet Review

Liv hasn’t had the easiest life she and her sister have been through 13 foster homes and she knows her sister has animosity towards her. Liv decides to change where her life is going and she steals her sisters identity. Using her sisters grades and record, Liv wins an internship on a movie set in Alaska. At the last minute the executive producer Vincent changes the travel plans and instead of being on a plane Liv and five other girls consisting of actresses, a pop star, a gymnast, and a social media influencer are now on a yacht. When a violent storm hits and wrecks the yacht the girls are now stuck on an island for the time being. The island isn’t normal there’s a beast among them and some strange changes happening to the girls.

This book I don’t really know how to explain it, for a lack of better words I’m going to say unusual. Liv is our main character and she’s the only POV we get. She’s going to a movie set and she’s with Paris, Effie, Miri, Rosalind, and Celia. These girls know each other but Liv is the new comer but she’s also not being herself since all the girls think she’s her sister. When these girls end up on the island they know something is wrong, not only are they so far from Alaska where they should be but they end up finding a body that seemed to be taken apart by an animal. The girls have to learn how to survive, they find food and try to keep each other safe. Here’s where things get crazy, whenever the girls get hurt its like their wound starts to mutate, so much so that if this was a movie involving a mad scientist they would definitely be the ones being experimented on. There’s a bit of mystery surrounding the beast that’s on the island and what is happening to these girls. There is a romance between Miri and Liv and I won’t say that it was instant because these girls were on the island for a while so I guess the feelings grew over time. I think for girls who were just thrown into these unfortunate circumstances they handled it well, and even when they did need time to vent or process everything the girls were supportive of each other. The ending was something, I still don’t have the words to describe this book. I think the ending was good in that we get some resolution but it wasn’t my favorite and I would explain but I don’t want to spoil anything.

Overall, this was an interesting book. I will say this is different from anything I’ve read recently, it’s one that you’ll keep thinking about because you just can’t wrap your head around everything, or at least I couldn’t. Everything that happens in this book especially on the island makes you want to keep reading and figure out what exactly is going on. I would recommend this book to people who are into survival/mysteries with an element of fantasy.

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