Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

HOLLY HORROR: THE LONGEST NIGHT By Michelle Jabès CorporaHolly Horror: The Longest Night by Michelle Jabès Corpora
Series: Holly Horror #2
Published by Penguin Workshop on 8/13/24
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Paranormal, Young Adult
Pages: 350
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Find him, find me.

It's been two weeks since Evie escaped the mines after solving the mystery of Holly's disappearance only to discover that Desmond followed her but never came back. Evie knows he’s alive, lost wherever the Patchwork Girl resides. When Evie tries to reach out to Holly again for help, she realizes that her connection to the Lost Girl—and the shadow world itself—has been severed. Desmond is gone, and it’s all her fault.

Ravenglass slowly begins to move on from the tragedy of losing Desmond, but as winter creeps closer and the days grow shorter, a sinister being begins to threaten the lives of Ravenglass residents, stealing them away and bringing them back different. Wrong.

Evie knows that the only way to stop it is to connect to Holly again. With the help of her friend Tina, and the troubled newcomer Sai, Evie begins to follow the clues Holly left behind, determined to find the Lost Girl once more, at any cost.

Short and Sweet Review

It has been two weeks since Evie solved the mystery surrounding Holly and also when she realized Desmond followed her into the mines and hasn’t come back. Evie wants to find Desmond but her connection to Holly and the shadow world has been severed. With the help of her friend Tina and new kid Sai, they use the clues Holly left behind to find Desmond and face another type of evil making its way into town.

This sequel picks up two weeks after the ending of the first book, and if you forgot what happened don’t worry because there’s a bit of a recap from Evie. I thought this book would only focus on Desmond but there’s something even more sinister coming and this thing basically thrives on using people. I felt bad for Evie, she feels like she’s to blame for Desmond going missing and so do most of the people in town. I think this judgement she feels from others is what makes her even more determined to bring him home. I also liked seeing more of Evie’s family dynamic and there’s some conversations that are had that seem like they’ve been building up for a while. I did like seeing Evie work with Tina and Sai. Sai is new in town but he has a connection to the shadow world and he’s able to help out in that department. Sai hasn’t had the easiest time in life, but once we find out why he’s the one Holly suggests can help we really feel for him. The writing is great and it will have you engaged and wanting to know what will happen next. I think the best thing about this book was the characters thinking they had only one thing to focus on but there was more to the story.

Overall, this was a good sequel. The vibes are creepy and I love it, I think this book would be perfect to read in October. It also has that small town feel and we all know the strangest things take place in small towns. I did like the ending and everything was wrapped up in a satisfying way. I would recommend this duology!

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