Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

GIRL OF NIGHTMARES By Kendare BlakeGirl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
Series: Anna #2
Published by Tor Teen on 8/7/12
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Horror & Ghost Stories, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 334
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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It's been months since the ghost of Anna Korlov opened a door to Hell in her basement and disappeared into it, but ghost-hunter Cas Lowood can't move on.

His friends remind him that Anna sacrificed herself so that Cas could liveā€”not walk around half dead. He knows they're right, but in Cas's eyes, no living girl he meets can compare to the dead girl he fell in love with.

Now he's seeing Anna everywhere: sometimes when he's asleep and sometimes in waking nightmares. But something is very wrong...these aren't just daydreams. Anna seems tortured, torn apart in new and ever more gruesome ways every time she appears.

Cas doesn't know what happened to Anna when she disappeared into Hell, but he knows she doesn't deserve whatever is happening to her now. Anna saved Cas more than once, and it's time for him to return the favor.

Short and Sweet Review

It’s been a few months since Anna disappeared into the portal she made with the Obeahman. Cas keeps seeing glimpses of Anna but he doesn’t know if it’s real, but what he does know is he needs to get her out of hell.

This is the second time I’ve read this book and I’m not sure why I didn’t review it the first time. I think I enjoyed reading this book more the first time. Throughout the book we see Cas, Thomas, and Carmel try to find ways to free Anna and the toll it takes on some of the characters to continue a task that seems nearly impossible. I just think its funny that Cas is in love with a ghost, I’m not sure what kind of ending he was expecting for him and Anna considering that one is not alive but he was hellbent on getting her out of hell. Cas learns more about the weapon he has and that it may be the key to freeing Anna. There’s a lot of time spent trying to collect information and trying to find ways to get in and out of hell. We see that Cas is determined but I also think that determination was dangerous for Thomas and Carmel considering that they just got into all of this ghost business. The characters made some decisions in this book that I don’t think were normal for them. Carmel kind of goes mean girls on the guys and Cas is hesitant and doesn’t make logical decisions. I feel like Thomas was the most grounded character in this book.

Overall, I enjoyed the first book more than this sequel. The ending was not good it makes it seems like all of the trouble that the characters went through was for nothing. I just wish this duology was a standalone or maybe this book focused on more ghost hunting and moving on from Anna.


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