CLASS ACT By Kelsey Rodkey

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

CLASS ACT By Kelsey RodkeyClass Act by Kelsey Rodkey
Published by HarperCollins on 10/1/24
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 349
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Ella knew transferring to a new school wouldn’t be easy. The first day, while defending her sister, Ella makes an enemy out of the student council president and lands in detention. Swearing revenge on him, Ella will stop at nothing to unseat him—even calling for a redo election in which she’s the only one brave enough to run against him.

As a new student, Ella isn’t sure she can secure the votes until she meets unfailingly flirtatious Patrick and hears his wild idea to help her. He’ll pretend to be her boyfriend and show their classmates that she and her ideas for the school aren’t so bad. It’s like something out of her sister’s fan fiction.

But when their fake romance starts feeling too real, and Patrick’s true motives for their arrangement come to light, Ella has to decide what’s more important: Patrick or the polls.

Short and Sweet Review

Ella and her younger sister, Connie, are starting the school year as transfer students. When someone finds out about Connies fan fiction and gets made fun of, Ella decides to defend her. The only thing is the bully, Thomas, is the student council president and it’s only the first day but Ella decides to run against him so that the school can have a change. Patrick is the principals son and he decides to help Ella get more votes in exchange for her getting her chef mom to be his mentor. Ella and Patrick decide to start a fake relationship to win over more voters but as the campaign goes on Ella has to decide if Patrick is important to her or just winning the election.

Let me start off by saying, when you read what I wrote above, Ella sounds like a great older sister so noble and courageous. She actually sucks as a person. Ella is selfish and mainly cares about herself. She does this whole student council thing for her sister, but she isn’t so nice to her sister and finds it a chore to always have to look out for her. Also I knew with the fake dating element it would blow up in some way and instead of being upset I was happy that Patrick was going to do his own thing away from Ella. Most of this book is spent trying to figure out how to get Ella more votes to win the position of student council president. I will say the book was pretty predictable, and the characters were easy to dislike. I just think Ella had a bad vibe about her and it was hard to like her, if I was someone who DNF’d books I would have done it to this one. I think the only saving grace was when some characters told Ella off. Connie and Stevie weren’t bad characters either and I think the book would have been better if it centered around Connie.

Overall, this book was not my cup of tea. If I was in school with Ella when this election was happening I would vote for the other party.


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