GET DIRTY by Gretchen McNeil

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

GET DIRTY by Gretchen McNeilGet Dirty by Gretchen McNeil
Series: Don't Get Mad #2
Published by Balzer + Bray Genres: Young Adult
Source: Author
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The members of Don’t Get Mad aren’t just mad anymore . . . they’re afraid. And with Margot in a coma and Bree stuck in juvie, it’s up to Olivia and Kitty to try to catch their deadly tormentor. But just as the girls are about to go on the offensive, Ed the Head reveals a shocking secret that turns all their theories upside down. The killer could be anyone, and this time he—or she—is out for more than just revenge.
The girls desperately try to discover the killer’s identity as their personal lives are falling apart: Donté is pulling away from Kitty and seems to be hiding a secret of his own, Bree is under house arrest, and Olivia’s mother is on an emotional downward spiral. The killer is closing in, the threats are becoming more personal, and when the police refuse to listen, the girls have no choice but to confront their anonymous friend . . . or die trying.

Get Dirty starts where Get Even left off. I loved Get Even but Get Dirty blew me away. I love all of the characters and I was just rooting for them to figure out who’s behind all of the murders and torment. I was trying to figure out who is responsible for everything and when I thought I had the person, I was wrong.  I was shocked when I found out who the villain is.  I wasn’t expecting it and I was blown away by Ms. McNeil’s crafty writing. I read this book in 2 days.  I simply couldn’t put it down. I love these books and would definitely recommend this series to my friends.

Get Dirty is a WONDERLAND Hit earning six Cheshire hearts for it’s thrilling plot.


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