DEATH WISH by Megan Tayte

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

DEATH WISH by Megan TayteDeath Wish by Megan Tayte
Series: Ceruleans #1
Published by Heaven Afire Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Not going to lie it took my a couple of chapters to really get into this book, but once I was past that point I was so engrossed.

In ‘Death Wish’ Scarlett Blake, a seventeen year old is trying to learn the truth about her sister Sienna’s death. Scarlett is staying the summer in her grandparents old house in the isolated cove of Twycombe. She’s not there to enjoy a summer on the beach but to find out what went through her sisters head before she died. Sienna committed suicide, at least that is what everybody is telling Scarlett. But Scarlett has trouble believing her sisters fate, so this summer she is set on finding some answers. Answers that are hard to find and soon she has even more questions. Scarlett also finds new friends and a life she didn’t expect to get attached to.

Megan Tayte has a writing style that is easy to follow and this book is a perfect combination of romance, mystery and heartbreak. The characters in this book are just really easy to love. There’s the main character Scarlett, who I loved from the very first page. Scarlett is young but has some incredible strength inside her.And then there are Luke and Cara. Luke is caring ever since he meet Scarlett he’s always wanted to be there for her. And Cara was just a really fun character. I loved her joyous, playful way of living her life and surrounding everyone around her with happiness. I also really liked Jude he was just so mysterious and he wasn’t in the book much but I just wanted to read more about him. I wasn’t really expecting what would happen in the end but it just left me wanting more. This book was great I think it’s a great summer read. I plan on reading the rest of this series and I definitely recommend this book. You guys should go read it!

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