Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

A CONSTELLATION OF MINOR BEARS By Jen FergusonA Constellation of Minor Bears by Jen Ferguson
Published by Heartdrum on 9/24/24
Genres: Contemporary, LGBT
Pages: 343
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Before that awful Saturday, Molly used to be inseparable from her brother, Hank, and his best friend, Tray. The indoor climbing accident that left Hank with a traumatic brain injury filled Molly with anger.

While she knows the accident wasn’t Tray’s fault, she will never forgive him for being there and failing to stop the damage. But she can’t forgive herself for not being there either.

Determined to go on the trio’s postgraduation hike of the Pacific Crest Trail, even without Hank, Molly packs her bag. But when her parents put Tray in charge of looking out for her, she is stuck backpacking with the person who incites her easy anger.

Despite all her planning, the trail she’ll walk has a few more twists and turns ahead. . . .

Short and Sweet Review

Molly’s brother Hank had a climbing accident that left him with a traumatic brain injury. Molly blames their best friend Tray for the accident, which has left things between this once inseparable trio with an uncomfortable tension. Fast forward to graduation, the trio had a hiking trip planned and Molly is determined to go but Hank decides to hang back so it leaves her with Tray. Now on the trail with the one person she likes to focus her anger on she realizes they have the time to talk and work through things.

This book is deep and we have each character sharing their story. We have Molly who loves her brother Hank and is upset about his accident but she doesn’t know how to deal with those emotions and she also blames Tray for not checking the climbing equipment. Tray seemed to cope with making jokes and have an easy going attitude, he’s also upset about the accident but deals with it in his own way. Hank spends most of his time on reddit getting advice from internet strangers but its obvious he’s not happy with the way people have been treating him after the accident. We get to read from each characters POV which is important because we really get to see how each of them was affected. Molly needed to go on this trip the most because after the accident she kind of lost herself and she feels like this is the time she needs to kind of get a grip on life again. We initially have Molly and Tray go on this trip and it’s awkward because he’s trying to talk to her but she really wants nothing to do with him. It isn’t until Hank surprises them that the deeper conversations start to happen. We also learn that Molly and Tray like each other but they have some things they need to work through. There’s a lot of deep issues talked about and on the trail they even meet someone named Brynn who tags along, but also has her own problems that she’s trying to avoid.

Overall, I enjoyed following these characters on their journey, they’re learning more about each other and themselves and even though most of the issues aren’t resolved they learn that they can’t run away from things they eventually have to face it. I would recommend this book especially if you’re in the mood to read about characters who are sharing their truth and facing the challenges that life has recently thrown at them.


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