Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

A THOUSAND PIECES OF YOU By Claudia GrayA Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray
Series: Firebird #1
Published by HarperTeen on 11/4/14
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Romance, Science Fiction, Young Adult
Pages: 373
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Marguerite Caine's physicist parents are known for their groundbreaking achievements. Their most astonishing invention, called the Firebird, allows users to jump into multiple universes—and promises to revolutionize science forever. But then Marguerite's father is murdered, and the killer—her parent's handsome, enigmatic assistant Paul— escapes into another dimension before the law can touch him.

Marguerite refuses to let the man who destroyed her family go free. So she races after Paul through different universes, always leaping into another version of herself. But she also meets alternate versions of the people she knows—including Paul, whose life entangles with hers in increasingly familiar ways. Before long she begins to question Paul's guilt—as well as her own heart. And soon she discovers the truth behind her father's death is far more sinister than she expected.

Short and Sweet Review

Marguerite’s parents are physicists and they recently made a device called the Firebird which allows the user to go to different universes. When Marguerites dad is murdered by his assistant Paul, Marguerite and Theo another assistant use the firebird to try to find him in another universe. We follow Marguerite into different universes on her journey to bring her father’s murderer to justice.

A Thousand Pieces of You, is interesting because it has our main character going through different universes. Paul is one of her parents assistants so to find out he was the one who killed her dad leaves her confused and angry. Paul uses the firebird to go into a different universe and evade capture. I think the first universe that Marguerite goes to gives us a taste of what the firebird can do and when she hops around she takes over the Marguerites life who actually belongs in that universe. When Marguerite goes into the next universe she spends more time with Paul or a version of him and begins to question if he’s really to blame at all. I did like the relationship that was forming between the two but it was interesting because did she like the Paul she was chasing or the Paul she met in that universe. Marguerite eventually learns that there’s a big conspiracy surrounding the firebird and there’s more dangerous people looking to harm her family. I enjoyed this book, and it also wasn’t my first time reading it. When I first read this book I gave it 5 stars but after doing a reread I plan on giving it a 3.5. It’s still a good book but I think the relationship needed more time to develop and I’m interested to see more universes because Marguerite spent a good chunk of time in the second universe. I feel like when I read this book when it was first released the idea of the multiverse was new to me which is also why I enjoyed it so much. Marguerite was a good character but she made decisions based off of her feelings instead of doing the smart thing, I’m hoping she has some character development.

Overall, I did have a good time rereading this book. The world jumping was well done and I did like the plot. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next installments have in store.

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