Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

IN ANOTHER LIFE By C.C. HunterIn Another Life by C.C Hunter
Published by Wednesday Books on 3/26/19
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Young Adult
Pages: 352
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Chloe was three years old when she became Chloe Holden, but her adoption didn’t scar her, and she’s had a great life. Now, fourteen years later, her loving parents’ marriage has fallen apart and her mom has moved them to Joyful, Texas. Starting twelfth grade as the new kid at school, everything Chloe loved about her life is gone. And feelings of déjà vu from her early childhood start haunting her.

When Chloe meets Cash Colton she feels drawn to him, as though they're kindred spirits. Until Cash tells her the real reason he sought her out: Chloe looks exactly like the daughter his foster parents lost years ago, and he’s determined to figure out the truth.

As Chloe and Cash delve deeper into her adoption, the more things don’t add up, and the more strange things start happening. Why is Chloe’s adoption a secret that people would kill for?

Short and Sweet

When Chloe was three years old she was adopted and became Chloe Holden and she’s had a pretty good life. Fourteen years later Chloe’s parents are separated, she’s left her friends behind and her mother has moved them to Joyful, Texas. Now Chloe is the new girl in school and she has met Cash Colton. Cash takes an interest in Chloe because she looks like the daughter his foster parents lost. Now Chloe’s past before the adoption is starting to haunt her and she wants the details to her adoption, the more Chloe learns about her adoption she starts to realize something isn’t right.


Chloe: Chloe is just trying to live life as normally as she can. Her mother is in remission and she has to be the parent to her mother and make sure she’s okay. Chloe also has a lot of resentment towards her father because she feels like her just left her and her mother. Anyway I thought Chloe was an okay character she cares a lot about the people closest to her. Chloe was indecisive she wanted to find out more about the adoption but she would change her mind, or if she did end up being the kidnapped child she wasn’t sure if she wanted the truth to come out.

Cash: Cash has had a hard life, his dad would involve Cash in his criminal activities, this has obviously scarred Cash and has made him feel like he’s had to prove everyone wrong and prove that he’s not his dad. Cash is really hard on himself. Thinking back Cash was also an okay character he could have been better, I didn’t really like how he treated the Fullers they just really wanted to involve him in their family but sometimes he was just so short with them and would leave when they tried to have a conversation with him.


Chloe and Cash: So it would seem like the main reason that these two got together was because Cash was trying to figure out if Chloe was actually Emily, but he didn’t drop that bombshell on her until later so I suppose that they had feelings for each other. They did spend a lot of time together. It was a an instalove thing and they did say I love you and they didn’t even know each other for that long.

My Thoughts

~ We get to read from both Chloe and Cash’s POVs, I didn’t have a favorite one to read from I feel like both were okay and both had their flaws. Chloe had a lot of drama surrounding her parents and Cash was obsessed with finding out about Chloe and like I said I didn’t like his interactions with the Fullers.

~ Cash recognizes Chloe from an age progression photo that his foster parents had because they never gave up hope and at first he thinks Chloe is trying to scam them but he learns that she has no idea that she could have been kidnapped.

~ More about Chloe and her parents. Chloe’s mom is depressed and is in a funk and is also very bitter she talks a lot of trash about Chloe’s dad. Because Chloe is around her mom so much she also gets annoyed when thinking about her dad and will also start trash talking him but to his face. This all was a little too much for me this happened a lot in the book there was just so much bitterness when it came to her parents.

~ Chloe befriends her neighbor Lindsay. I loved Lindsay she was a good friend and was there for Chloe and was someone she could go to talk to I honestly wish there was more of her in the book.

~ So about 60% through the book that’s when things start to go down. Chloe and Cash are learning more about her past and things start to get more suspenseful. We also get a new POV and this time its the culprit.

~ I could not stand the culprit I thought he was too impulsive and paranoid. The culprit is one of those people who has a gun and shoots it but not because they needs to but just because they have a gun. The culprit was honestly so annoying I couldn’t stand it.

~ I wanted more from the ending I just felt like there could have been more surrounding the culprit and the adoption or kidnapping but everything just ended so quickly and I didn’t like it.


In Another Life wasn’t what I was expecting it to be I thought there would be more of a mystery aspect to it but there wasn’t much it was more like how did this happen. I think the book could have been better, the ending wasn’t that great either everything was wrapped up but I was just left wanting more. I love C.C. Hunter and her books but this one isn’t one I would say I loved.


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