Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE BEAUTIFUL AND THE CURSED By Page MorganThe Beautiful and the Cursed by Page Morgan
Series: The Dispossessed #1
Published by Delacorte Press on 5/14/13
Genres: Historical, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 352
Format: Paperback
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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After a bizarre accident, Ingrid Waverly is forced to leave London with her mother and her younger sister, Gabby, trading a world full of fancy dresses and society events for the unfamiliar city of Paris.
In Paris there are no grand balls or glittering parties for Ingrid, and, disturbingly, the house her twin brother, Grayson, was sent ahead to secure for the family isn't a house at all. It's an abandoned abbey, its roof lined with stone gargoyles that could almost be mistaken for living, breathing creatures.
And Grayson is missing.
Yet no one seems worried about his whereabouts save for Luc, a devastatingly handsome servant at their new home.
Ingrid is sure her twin isn't dead--she can feel it deep in her soul--but she knows he's in grave danger, and that it's up to her and Gabby to find him before all hope is lost.
The path to Grayson will be twisted, leading Ingrid to discover dark secrets and otherworldly truths that, once uncovered, can never again be buried.

Short and Sweet

After a weird accident Ingrid Waverly, her mother, and younger sister leave London and move to Paris. When they arrive they discover that Grayson, Ingrid’s twin brother who was to have arrived earlier has gone missing. Ingrid and Gabby vow to find their brother before its too late.


Ingrid: Our main character who discovers that her brother is missing and that there may be more to the accident that happened in London than she thought. Ingrid was a good main character she cared about those closest to her. The things she learns about in Paris are interesting it makes her think about things from all angles.

Gabby: Gabby is Ingrid and Grayson’s younger sister. Gabby as the younger sibling is impulsive, but she does mean well.


Ingrid and Luc: I loved these two Luc clearly cares a lot about Ingrid more than he has for anyone before and I think that these feelings have him confused as to why he feels this way mainly because gargoyles only protect their charges because its their job, but there’s something different about the way he feels when it comes to Ingrid.

Gabby and Nolan: I don’t know which couple I liked more Gabby and Nolan or Ingrid and Luc. There was romantic tension between Gabby and Nolan and I just wanted them to be together so bad! Nolan kept pushing Gabby away and she had feelings for him and this made me ship them.

My Thoughts

~ I’ve read a lot of paranormal books and this is the first one I’ve read that had gargoyles in it. I loved it, this book was so different and I loved the setting of 1899 Paris.

~ Each of the characters were enjoyable and I also liked their interactions with each other and how they all came together, because of Graysons disappearance.

~ The mystery surrounding Grayson’s disappearance was so intriguing to me, we do get some chapters in his point of view but we don’t know who took him and why.

~ I liked that there were two different groups the gargoyles and the alliance. They don’t like each other but they try to stay on good terms with each other in case they need each others help.

~ There’s also demons coming from the underworld trying to get to the sisters, because the same thing that took Grayson is looking for his sisters next.

~ One thing that really surprised me was when one of the characters turns out to be one we can’t trust.


This was an amazing read, I’m excited to read the sequel, which is on my shelf. The ending was great and left me wanting more and to see what these siblings will have to endure next. I think this is a great book for people who like paranormal books with a little bit of a mystery.


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