Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

BORN OF ILLUSION By Teri BrownBorn of Illusion by Teri Brown
Series: Born of Illusion #1
Published by Balzer + Bray on 6/11/13
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Historical, Young Adult
Pages: 384
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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As the illegitimate daughter of Harry Houdini—or so her mother claims—gifted illusionist Anna Van Housen easily navigates the underground world of magicians and mediums in 1920s New York, though the real trick is keeping her true gifts secret from her opportunistic mother. But as Anna's powers intensify, she experiences frightening visions that lead her to explore the powers she's tried so long to hide.

Short and Sweet Review

It’s the 1920’s and Anna Van Housen is an illusionist but she’s more than that and when she’s discovered by a young man who realizes that she has more abilities Anna is introduced to members of a secret society in hopes to learn more about herself.

Anna Van Housen is an illusionist she has the ability to communicate with the dead, feel peoples emotions, and see the future, but around her mother she keeps these abilities under wraps. Marguerite Van Housen is the star of the show but she also doesn’t have any abilities of her own, but if it seems like Anna is in the spotlight Marguerite is not a happy woman, Marguerite will even go as far as to try to embarrass Anna in front of an audience at one of their shows just to let her know who’s boss.

Anna meets Cole and he seems to know about her abilities. Cole introduces Anna to a group of people who are members of a secret society. The members of the society are eager to help Anna learn more about her abilities and herself. Honestly I don’t feel like much happened in this book. I lost interest in it 30% through. It was a lot of Anna trying to find out more about her abilities and making sure she and her mother were safe. I didn’t really connect with any of the characters and the ending wasn’t something to talk about it was kind of abrupt. I will read the sequel just to see what happens but Born of Illusion was a book that had potential but just fell short of my expectations.

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