BREAK US By Jennifer Brown

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

BREAK US By Jennifer BrownBreak Us by Jennifer Brown
Series: Nikki Kill #3
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on 2/13/18
Genres: Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 384
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Nikki Kill doesn’t see the world in black and white. Her synesthesia shades everything in view, transforming numbers, words, and emotions into colorful clues. Which means she’s a dangerous commodity to anyone with something to hide.

Nikki has already taken on the Hollises—one of L.A.’s most powerful families—for murdering her half sister, Peyton. However, Nikki’s next steps are clouded by the gray of uncertainty. Before she knows it, Nikki is on the trail of a cold case that couldn’t be any more personal—the death of her mother.

But when the web of lies and secrets she uncovers leads back to the people who have tried to silence her, Nikki must pursue the sunbeam gold of justice, or everything—including her life—will be lost.

Short and Sweet

After dealing with the Hollis family you would think Nikki’s life would be somewhat safer but she still has the feeling that she can solve her mothers murder, and she needs to find Luna before Luna finds her.


Nikki: Our main character. Over the course of this series we see Nikki’s character develop so much! She now uses her synesthesia to help lead her in the direction that could help her solve her mothers murder. Nikki is still a strong character despite what she’s had to go through in the past two books. I love her dialogue she’s sarcastic and snarky, she’s also learned to admit when she’s wrong.

Chris: Detective Martinez. I love him! But in this book he’s struggling after his accident to remember things from his past. So we see Martinez get frustrated with himself when he remembers something but doesn’t know why what he remembered was important or how it would help him solve his case.


Nikki and Chris: I’ve always loved the chemistry that these two have. Nikki has a certain personality and a lot of people don’t mesh with her she tries to keep to herself and be independent but Chris changes that and forces Nikki to let him in and it works most of the time. Things were a little different in this book because of the fact that Chris couldn’t remember a lot of things and that includes most of his partnership with Nikki and I could tell it was hard for her to deal with that.

My Thoughts

~ I was so excited when I started reading this book, it takes place right after the events of Dare Me and it’s so easy to just jump right back into this world.

~ This book is so suspenseful, Nikki always puts herself in situations without a plan and she just wings it and it worries me so much, I read about her doing these things and I worry about her wellbeing. She’ll be within inches of someone who is trying to harm her and make it out alive.

~ I liked that this book focused more on finding out about Nikki’s mothers murder, it was a cold case and though other people gave up Nikki never did.

~ We also have Luna who’s still around somewhere but we have no idea exactly and it was unsettling to know that she was still out there, because she’s smart and she keeps tabs on Nikki or she has other people do it.

~ We also learn about the case that Chris was working on before the accident and that was interesting to follow because not even Chris was entirely sure what the case was about, so we see him remember piece by piece.

~ I loved the mysteries that we follow through the course of this series and this conclusion did not disappoint.

~ Following Nikki and Chris around California to try to solve their respective cases was fun. They depend on each other a lot in this book and I like that they’re a team their dynamic is so great!


This was an amazing conclusion to this trilogy! This trilogy will always be one of my favorites and Nikki is a character that I’ll remember. I’m sad to say goodbye but I know I’ll always be able to go back and reread everything that made me fall in love with the Nikki Kill series. I definitely recommend this trilogy for lovers of mystery and thrillers and an amazing female lead!


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