Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

DARK AND SHALLOW LIES By Ginny Myers SainDark and Shallow Lies by Ginny Myers Sain
Published by Razorbill on 9/7/21
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Mystery & Detective, Paranormal, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 432
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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La Cachette, Louisiana, is the worst place to be if you have something to hide.

This tiny town, where seventeen-year-old Grey spends her summers, is the self-proclaimed Psychic Capital of the World—and the place where Elora Pellerin, Grey's best friend, disappeared six months earlier.

Grey can't believe that Elora vanished into thin air any more than she can believe that nobody in a town full of psychics knows what happened. But as she digs into the night that Elora went missing, she begins to realize that everybody in town is hiding something—her grandmother Honey; her childhood crush Hart; and even her late mother, whose secrets continue to call to Grey from beyond the grave.

When a mysterious stranger emerges from the bayou—a stormy-eyed boy with links to Elora and the town's bloody history—Grey realizes that La Cachette's past is far more present and dangerous than she'd ever understood. Suddenly, she doesn't know who she can trust. In a town where secrets lurk just below the surface, and where a murderer is on the loose, nobody can be presumed innocent—and La Cachette's dark and shallow lies may just rip the town apart.

Short and Sweet Review

La Cachette, Louisiana, is a small town and also the psychic capital of the world. Grey is back for the summer and she’s determined to find out what happened to her best friend Elora, who disappeared six months ago. But as Grey keeps digging she learns that some secrets aren’t worth knowing.

Grey is in La Cachette visiting for the summer, the only thing missing is her best friend Elora figuratively and literally. No one knows if Elora is dead or if she’s still alive. Grey is determined to find out but she can’t stop thinking about the last time she and Elora saw each other and got in a fight. La Cachette is the psychic capital of the world and Grey never had any powers but now she’s seeing glimpses of Elora’s last moments. In the La Cachette there’s also the summer children, they were all born in the same year and have some sort of ability. But soon Grey meets Zale a stranger who knows a lot about Elora.

There is a lot going on in this book. Grey trying to figure out where Elora is, to trying find out how she died. Also all of the other characters involved. There’s also the story of this guy who was strange who already killed two of the summer children. There was also a little romance between Grey and Hart which I didn’t like it just wasn’t right. Honestly it was a lot. I think the best thing about this book was when everything was solved and answers were given. The mystery was good there were a lot of twists that threw me off. There were a lot of good components to this book and some that just didn’t work.

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