Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THIS DARKNESS MINE By Mindy McGinnisThis Darkness Mine by Mindy McGinnis
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on 10/10/17
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 384
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Sasha Stone knows her place—first-chair clarinet, top of her class, and at the side of her Oxford-wearing boyfriend. She’s worked her entire life to ensure her path to Oberlin Conservatory as a star musician is perfectly paved.

But suddenly there’s a fork in the road in the shape of Isaac Harver. Her body shifts toward him when he walks by, and her skin misses his touch even though she’s never known it. Why does he act like he knows her so well—too well—when she doesn’t know him at all?

Sasha discovers that her by-the-book life began by ending the chapter of another: the twin sister she absorbed in the womb. But that doesn’t explain the gaps of missing time in her practice schedule, or the memories she has of things she certainly never did with Isaac.

Armed with the knowledge that her heart might not be hers alone, Sasha must decide what she’s willing to do—and who she’s willing to hurt—to take it back.

Short and Sweet Review

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My reaction after finishing this book, I literally had to calm myself down. This was not a good book, I will repeat This Darkness Mine was not good at all. I just don’t even know where to start with all of the problems I had but first I will just give you guys a synopsis of the book. Our main character is Sasha Stone, Sasha is a good girl, she’s on track to be valedictorian, she’s first chair and loves to play her clarinet, she has no time for nonsense. So when Sasha can’t remember giving her number to Issac or even going out with him at 3 in the morning she starts to get concerned. Then Sasha learns that her would be twin was absorbed in the womb by her and the only thing from the twin that survived is her heart which now lives on in Sasha. We come to learn that Sasha’s twin would have been named Shanna, and Shanna wants to come out to play and she wants to be bad, she wants to do what she wants and doesn’t care who she hurts in the process. So now that we learn all of this I initially was excited to read this book because I wanted to know what was wrong with Sasha and why she didn’t remember what she was doing and these chunks of time that were missing from her memory. It felt like it’d be a kind of set up for a mystery and then we come to find out about the twin she absorbed in the womb and then I was like okay so which twin is going to win the one thats controlling the heart or the one who’s controlling the brain? There’s also some scenes with Shanna communicating with Sasha and we see how angry Shanna is about being suppressed for the past 17 years. Now my biggest problem with this book was I honestly ugh, I don’t want to spoil anything but I feel like Shanna was an excuse for Sasha to act out, you know? Like, “Oh it wasn’t me acting out and throwing a fit it was my evil twin.” The problem with this was Sasha legit used this as an excuse every time she did something bad and at first I believed her, like could the twin she absorbed really have this much power? And the more we read I feel like the answer is absolutely not! I feel like Sasha just had some issues that she wasn’t dealing with properly. I felt bad for the other characters in this book that had to deal with her, especially Issac, she was definitely playing with that poor guys emotions. She would hang out with him and be like oh its not me Sasha who wants you its Shanna, and it was just like wow you’re really messing with this guys emotions with this nonsense. Honestly half way through the book theres an accident and I felt unnecessary to the plot or maybe it was because then we really learn how crazy this whole Sasha Shanna deal is. I just feel like things went to far in this book, Sasha/Shanna didn’t care who got hurt whenever they pulled one of their crazy antics and Sasha is cold blooded and mean even to the people closest to her, Sasha Stone is not a good person. I definitely would not recommend this book mainly because it mad me so mad especially the ending I feel like things just could have been executed better.


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