DIG TWO GRAVES By Gretchen McNeil

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

DIG TWO GRAVES By Gretchen McNeilDig Two Graves by Gretchen McNeil
Published by Disney-Hyperion on 4/26/22
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 352
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Seventeen-year-old film noir fan Neve Lanier is a girl who just wants to be seen, but doesn’t really fit in anywhere. When Neve is betrayed by her best friend, Yasmin, at the end of the school year, she heads off to a girl’s empowerment camp feeling like no one will ever love her again. So when she grabs the attention of the beautiful, charismatic Diane, she falls right under her spell, and may accidentally promise to murder Diane’s predatory step-brother, Javier, in exchange for Diane murdering Yasmin. But that was just a joke…right?

Wrong. When Yasmin turns up dead, Diane comes calling, attempting to blackmail Neve into murdering Javier. Stalling for time, Neve pretends to go along with Diane’s plan until she can find a way out that doesn't involve homicide. But as she gets to know Javier – and falls for him – she realizes that everything Diane told her is a lie. Even worse, she discovers that Yasmin probably wasn't Diane's first victim. And unless Neve can stop her, she won't be the last.

Short and Sweet Review

Neve doesn’t really fit in anywhere, she has an interesting sense of style as a fan of noir films and after being betrayed by her best friend Yasmin Neve is really on the outs. Neve’s parents decide to send her to an empowerment camp for the summer. Which is where Neve meets Diane. Diane gives Neve attention and that’s basically how Neve falls under her spell. Neve tells Diane about Yasmin and Diane offers to kill Yasmin if Neve kills Dianes brother, Javier. Neve agrees thinking its a joke but once camp ends Neve learns that Yasmin has been murdered. Neve is the number one suspect and the only way to get Diane to back off is for Neve to uphold her end of the deal and kill Javier. 

This book was interesting, Neve was an okay character. After Yasmin betrayed her she really didn’t have any friends. So when Diane gave her attention she just gravitated towards her. The problem here was that the other girls at the camp knew that something was off about Diane and when they tried to warn Neve she didn’t take them seriously and just brushed them off. Diane was crazy she was sweet at the camp but after that you could really see the crazy showing. Neve ends up meeting Javier and thinking that he’s alright and can be trusted. I think the problem with Neve is that once someone shows her attention she thinks they’re trustworthy. This was a game of cat and mouse and Neve was an okay player, I feel like she should have been a better judge of character because she ended up having to ask a girl from camp, Inara for help. If I was Inara I wouldn’t of helped Neve especially after the way she talked to her. Anyway this was an okay book the ending was a hot mess but otherwise the rest was tolerable. It wasn’t my favorite book by this author but it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve read either.

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