WITH THE FIRE ON HIGH By Elizabeth Acevedo

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

WITH THE FIRE ON HIGH By Elizabeth AcevedoWith the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo
Published by HarperTeen on 5/7/19
Genres: Contemporary, Young Adult
Pages: 395
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Ever since she got pregnant freshman year, Emoni Santiago’s life has been about making the tough decisions—doing what has to be done for her daughter and her abuela. The one place she can let all that go is in the kitchen, where she adds a little something magical to everything she cooks, turning her food into straight-up goodness.

Even though she dreams of working as a chef after she graduates, Emoni knows that it’s not worth her time to pursue the impossible. Yet despite the rules she thinks she has to play by, once Emoni starts cooking, her only choice is to let her talent break free.

Short and Sweet

Emoni is a high school senior who has to juggle school, work, and caring for her daughter with the support of her abuela. Emoni has a love for cooking and everything she cooks ends up amazing, but with a new culinary arts class at school Emoni isn’t sure if she even has time for it or if she can even come up with the funds to go on the class trip to Spain. Emoni usually puts everyone before herself and now maybe just this once she can do something for herself.


Emoni: Our main character who has a lot on her plate. This is Emoni’s senior year and not only does she care for her daughter but she has to work and go to school and sometimes it just seems like too much. I like that Emoni has a support system, her abuela and Angelica were great and were always there for her. I liked Emoni as a main character she knew what she wanted in life and sometimes doubted herself but once she knew she could do something she was determined to reach her goal.

Malachi: Malachi was new in school and eventually befriends Emoni. I really liked Malachi he was sweet and considerate of peoples feelings, he also didn’t judge people from what he heard but he got to know people. I thought he was great from Emoni but I will get into that later.

Angelica: Angelica is Emoni’s best friend and more like a sister. I love the relationship between them and the support they give each other, they can go to each other for everything and encourage each other to go for their dreams and not doubt themselves.


Emoni and Malachi: I really liked these two together. The relationship wasn’t rushed and they took the time to get to know each other and that’s what I loved the most about them. Malachi wasn’t scared off by Emoni when she was being standoffish and Emoni learned that not every guy is like her baby daddy, Tyrone.

My Thoughts

~ It is Emoni’s senior year and she’s going to school and taking care of her daughter Emma. I thought Emoni was a great mother, she always did what was best for Emma and that was always her main priority making sure Emma was okay.

~ Tyrone, Emma’s dad is also in the book and Emoni and Tyrone have an interesting relationship. He wants more time with Emma and Emoni being her main caretaker has reservations about this.

~ Emoni’s abuela raised Emoni, while Emoni’s father was in Puerto Rico. Abuela still cares for Emoni and watches over Emma too. I liked how her Abuela let Emoni learn things for herself but also gave her input.

~ I liked seeing Emoni’s ideas for new recipes and how she thought about food in general. There are some recipes that are in the book that seem pretty good and enticing to try out.

~ Emoni signs up for the new culinary arts class in her school and she and the instructor butt heads, mainly because Emoni wants to change the recipes and try things that she thinks will work, but the instructor wants to teach the students what its really like to work in a professional kitchen.

~Seeing Emoni work hard for what she wants was pretty inspiring even when she thought she wouldn’t be able to reach her goal.

~ The class trip to Spain was also great to see I liked how the students got paired with chefs based on their interests and strengths.


I loved this book and how realistic it felt. I thought the characters were great and the writing really makes the book come to life. Emoni’s passion for cooking comes through and I liked the recipes that were in the book and maybe I’ll try a few of them out. This book was amazing and I breezed through it. Definitely one I would recommend!


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