Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE HANGING GIRL By Eileen CookThe Hanging Girl by Eileen Cook
Published by HMH Books for Young Readers on 10/3/17
Genres: Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 320
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Skye Thorn has given tarot card readings for years, and now her psychic visions are helping the police find the town’s missing golden girl. It’s no challenge—her readings have always been faked, but this time she has some insider knowledge. The kidnapping was supposed to be easy—no one would get hurt and she’d get the money she needs to start a new life. But a seemingly harmless prank has turned dark, and Skye realizes the people she’s involved with are willing to kill to get what they want and she must discover their true identity before it’s too late.

Short and Sweet

Skye Thorn is known in her high school for giving tarot readings and having psychic visions, the thing is Skye has always faked these abilities. One of Skye’s classmates gets kidnapped and Skye has insider information about what’s going on. The police are trusting Skye’s “psychic visions” to help bring Paige home, but things turn ugly when this kidnapping that seemed like a prank turns serious. Now Skye must find out who’s behind what’s happening before it’s too late.


Skye: Our main character who fakes her psychic abilities. Skye takes part in this prank to kidnap Paige because when all is said and done she’s supposed to receive some of the ransom money and start a new life. I liked Skye and then again I didn’t. I’m glad she realized when she was in too deep but it was already to late at that point. We learn a lot about Skye and her troubling past and why some of the kids at school don’t trust her.

Paige: During the book we get a few chapters from Paige, it mostly shows her writing her experience. I felt bad for Paige because she was targeted for this “prank” because her father has money and she’s the most popular girl in school.

Pluto: The guy Skye is working with to pull off this prank, there’s not much we know about him except for the fact that he’s calling the shots.

My Thoughts

~ I really liked the concept of the book, Skye trying to make some money and things go wrong and now she has to figure out who’s behind everything. Is it the most original idea? No, but I still enjoyed reading this book.

~ Skye’s mom is also a psychic which I found interesting because I didn’t know if I could trust her or not because Skye would keep saying that her visions were off most of the time or she would call her mom a fake.

~ Skye also has a best friend, Drew. Drew was good supportive friend and we see how their friendship was kind of a motive for Skye to even take part in the kidnapping.

~ I felt worried for Skye while reading the book because she was lying a lot and she had to keep her story straight and I was interested to see how that worked out for her.

~ There were a few twist in the book that I enjoyed, but I did not like the ending at all it wasn’t satisfying to me. It just didn’t end right for me personally, I wanted more.


I thought this was a good book, it was short and easy to read through. At one point I was so confused at who could have been behind all of this because there were so many twists. I’ll be honest and say this isn’t my favorite book but it wasn’t bad, so if you like mysteries with a lot of twists then this may be the book for you!


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