Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THIS HEART OF MINE By C.C HunterThis Heart of Mine by C.C Hunter
Published by Wednesday Books on 2/27/18
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 384
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Seventeen-year-old Leah MacKenzie is heartless. An artificial heart in a backpack is keeping her alive. However, this route only offers her a few years. And with her rare blood type, a transplant isn’t likely. Living like you are dying isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. But when a heart becomes available, she’s given a second chance at life. Except Leah discovers who the donor was ― a boy from her school ― and they’re saying he killed himself. Plagued with dreams since the transplant, she realizes she may hold the clues to what really happened.

Matt refuses to believe his twin killed himself. When Leah seeks him out, he learns they are both having similar dreams and he’s certain it means something. While unraveling the secrets of his brother’s final moments, Leah and Matt find each other, and a love they are terrified to lose. But life and even new hearts don’t come with guarantees. Who knew living, took more courage than dying?

Short and Sweet

Leah MacKenzie is being kept alive by an artificial heart that she has to carry around in a backpack, but Leah gets a second chance at life when a heart becomes available and she gets a transplant. The only problem is Leah learns that her new heart is from a boy that went to school with her and they’re saying he killed himself but with the heart came dreams and these dreams are telling Leah otherwise. Matt knows that his brother Eric didn’t kill himself and he’ll do anything to prove it. Matt and Eric were twins so he knows something is wrong with the assumption that Eric would commit suicide. Matt is also having the same dreams that Leah is, which brings them together to learn what actually happened the night Eric died.


Leah: One of our main characters. Leah has been through a lot in life and even though she has a new heart she still worries about it rejecting and hurting those around her. Leah is starting to learn how to live again after being home for so long and not going to school and being in a routine. I loved seeing how much Leah progressed in this book and her journey. It was hard for her but I think she started to realize that the people around her really care about her and that she should embrace it instead of push it away.

Matt: Our other main character. Matt is dealing with a lot the death of his brother is taking a toll on him, especially since they lost their dad to suicide. I liked Matt though he did get frustrated a lot during the course of the book but it was understandable.


Leah and Matt: So these two have always had a crush on each other but they were always dating other people and they didn’t really talk to each other much. Then they’re brought together because Leah feels the need to tell Matt that she got his brother’s heart and then they bond over the fact that they’re having the same dreams about Eric.  I liked this paring they really liked and cared about each other and I mean it seemed like the relationship was moving fast and I guess that could be due to the fact that they already knew how much they liked one another.

My Thoughts

~ I loved seeing how Leah developed over the course of the book. She’s trying to figure out who she is and she’s bold and not afraid to take risk because she knows how short life is.

~ The mystery aspect of this book is interesting. I wasn’t expecting it but it worked well, and I liked seeing how it all came together: the dreams and the feelings that Matt and Leah would have when someplace would remind them of Eric.

~ Leah and Matt, put themselves in danger when they were investigating and it worried me but Matt was so sure that there was more to Erics death than a suicide.

~ I also loved Leah’s parents and her best friend Brandy they were always there for her when she needed them and they cared about her.

~ I think it was interesting to read about Leah and her heart because I haven’t read a lot of books where a character needs a heart and it made me curious to read about artificial hearts and transplants.


This Heart of Mine was captivating and held my attention. It was an easy read that took me through a rollercoaster of emotions, there were times when it was sweet and charming, funny, and there were times when it was sad and serious. I think C.C did an amazing job writing about the topics covered in this book and I would definitely recommend it, it’s one of the most enjoyable contemporaries that I’ve read recently.


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