HEARTSICK by Caitlin Sinead

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

HEARTSICK by Caitlin SineadHeartsick by Caitlin Sinead
Published by Carina Press on 02/16/15
Genres: Contemporary, Love & Romance, Mystery & Detective, New Adult
Pages: 224
Source: Publisher
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Quinn is looking forward to her senior year at Poe University. She has big plans to hang out with her best friend, flirt with a certain boy genius, party at her favorite dive bar and figure out what she's going to do after graduation with her not-so-useful art major. But that's before she meets Luke, a hot townie who's moved back home to help take care of his dying sister. And it's before a weird epidemic sweeps across campus, mysteriously turning people's eyes purple.
Is it an odd side effect from a new party drug?
Is it a rogue virus developed in a campus lab?
Is it the mark of the devil?
Soon the town starts blaming the university and the student religious group becomes frighteningly aggressive in their on-campus accusations. Quinn and Luke are caught in the middle—until a tragic accident forces Luke to reveal the one part of himself he's kept carefully hidden. That he's so much more than the happy-go-lucky boy next door Quinn had believed him to be isn't a surprise…but this truth might be too dangerous for her to handle.

Something strange is happening in and around Poe College, the town and students are quarantined, no one in and no one out. Why? Because someone or something is infecting people with violet eyes! Purple Eye Disease is spreading and doctors think it is carried through bodily fluids. There are other side effects, too, that are not exactly bad, just unexplainable.

Caught in the middle of this is college student, Quinn, a carefree college senior, looking to have fun with her friends. When events in town get nasty, as the fear of the purple eye disease grows, the college is blamed and anyone associated with or having purple eyes becomes a target for violence and even death. Through it all, Quinn becomes involved, she always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, trying to help, but causing more trouble and coming under the scrutiny of the law. Quinn also meets a love interest, Luke. But when Quinn finds out he has secrets of his own she wonders if she can still trust him.

Quinn’s character took some time for me to warm up to, but when the story started getting deeper, so did Quinn’s character. Although there was danger from the unknown and the cult, Quinn was determined to find out the cause of the illness. Half the campus is in quarantine and not allowed to leave but Quinn is constantly breaking the rules and finding more and more clues. She meets Luke right before the epidemic and is constantly ignoring his wishes. She is determined to help her friends and others.

Luke is a loveable character. He is handsome, sweet and caring. Luke is keeping a secret, which when it came out I am not sure why, but it does add to Quinn’s confusion. Neither Luke nor Quinn were looking for a relationship but the epidemic brings them together. Rashid another possible love interest is a scientist. I didn’t really see the connection. Luke was true to his character throughout the story. His interest and concern for Quinn’s safety and those who took ill never wavered.

When we finally dive into the mystery illness, the author gives readers danger and suspense. There are twist and turns that I did not see coming. I would have liked to had more of Quinn and Luke too, but the story is fast-paced. Overall I think Heartsick was a good book.


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