Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

HELLO, GOODBYE, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN By Jennifer E. SmithHello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between by Jennifer E. Smith
Published by Poppy on 9/1/15
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 256
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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On the night before they leave for college, Clare and Aidan only have one thing left to do: figure out whether they should stay together or break up. Over the course of twelve hours, they retrace the steps of their relationship, trying to find something in their past that might help them decide what their future should be. The night leads them to family and friends, familiar landmarks and unexpected places, hard truths and surprising revelations. But as the clocks wind down and morning approaches, so does their inevitable goodbye. The question is, will it be goodbye for now or goodbye forever?

Short and Sweet Review

Clare and Aidan are about to leave for college, but in the next 12 hours they’re trying to figure out if they should stay together or not. We get to follow Clare and Aidan go to different spots that are meaningful to their relationship. Over the course of the book we see Clare and Aidan be reminded of the good times but they’re also faced with things they’ve been avoiding.

Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between, had a pretty interesting premise and it revolved around whether Clare and Aidan should stay together or not. Clare has it set in her mind that a long distance relationship isn’t going to work out but we see that Aidan is much more optimistic and willing to make it work. I don’t think I’ve read a book where characters are already together and trying to find a reason not to break up. It was nice to go around to the different places that meant things to Clare and Aidan like where they first met, first said I love you, and other things. Clare and Aidan have been together for two years but sometimes it didn’t seem like they had chemistry between them. For most of the book we see Clare try to find reasons she wants to break up and when Aidan finally comes to terms with her decision she’s bothered by it. We also get to see what their friends think about what’s happening and we see that this has been on Clare’s mind for a while and its all she talks about, so in that aspect she’s become pretty self centered. I was interested in what was going on with their friends Scotty and Stella, I think it’d be a nice idea for a novella.

Overall, this was a good read. This book is short and you can finish it in one day, and it’s a simple and fluffy book. I read this book before watching the movie so I’m excited how this will translate on screen and see what the film brings.

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