Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

KISMAT CONNECTION By Ananya DevarajanKismat Connection by Ananya Devarajan
Published by Inkyard Press on 6/13/23
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 275
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Is it possible to change your fate?

Madhuri Iyer is doomed. Doomed for her upcoming senior year to be a total failure, according to her astrology-obsessed mother, and doomed to a happily ever after with her first boyfriend, according to her family curse.

Determined to prove the existence of her free will, Madhuri devises an experimental relationship with the one boy she knows she’ll never fall for: her childhood best friend, Arjun Mehta. But Arjun’s feelings for her are a variable she didn’t account for.

As Madhuri starts to fall for her experimental boyfriend, she’ll have to decide if charting her own destiny is worth breaking Arjun’s heart—and her own.

Short and Sweet Review

According to Madhuri Iyer’s star chart, her senior year won’t go to plan and she’ll experience more disappointment than she’s used to. There’s also her family’s curse which says that her first boyfriend will be the one. Determined to prove the curse and her family wrong Madhuri asks her best friend Arjun to take part in her experimental relationship, what she doesn’t expect is to actually start falling for Arjun.

Kismat Connection is one of those romance stories where you fake date and then end up falling for the person. I personally just went through the motions with this book, I couldn’t connect with any of the characters and I think it was because there wasn’t much development. We get both Madhuri and Arjun’s POVs. Madhuri is an overachiever so even the smallest inkling of failure sends her over the end. Arjun on the hand gave me a go with the flow type of vibe. The main plot is this whole experiment and the two teens falling for each other but also remembering in the back of the minds that this is just an experiment. The subplots are Madhuri trying to avoid things that she used to enjoy from her Indian culture because of the mean girls at her school, and learning to accept that she doesn’t have to be perfect at everything. Arjun is dealing with his absent mother coming in and out of his life and deciding whether he still wants there to be a relationship between them. I wasn’t into the relationship, the whole experiment didn’t last long and I think Arjun liked Madhuri more than she liked him. The ending was weird because all of a sudden she was in love with him.

Overall, the best part of this book was learning about Indian culture and the star charts. I wish the romance played out better and we got to see more of a connection between the two. This book didn’t play out the way I thought it would but it is still a decent read.

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