Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

KISSES, CODES, AND CONSPIRACIES By Abigail Hing WenKisses, Codes, and Conspiracies by Abigail Hing Wen
Published by Feiwel & Friends on 8/13/24
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Romance, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 320
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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After a magical kiss at Prom, best friends Tan Lee and Winter Woo agree to cool it off, a plan that goes awry when their parents jointly head off to Hawaii and leave Tan and Winter to babysit Tan's sister Sana together. If that isn't complicated enough, Tan's ex-girlfriend from Shanghai arrives on his doorstep with money stolen from her billionaire father and thugs on her heels.

Tan soon finds himself on the run through the San Francisco Bay Area, trying to out-manuever international hackers and protect his friends, family and sister—and his own heart.

Short and Sweet Review

Tan and his best friend Winter had a great time at prom, but they decide to take a pause on things. When their parents go on a vacation to Hawaii together, Tan and Winter are left in charge of watching Tan’s younger sister Sana. Things are going as well as they could when watching a five year old but things quickly go downhill when Tan’s ex-girlfriend shows up looking for a place to hide while her dad’s bodyguards after her. Tan’s main goal is to keep his friends and family safe while evading the thugs Rebecca brought to his doorstep.

I wanted to love this book but I just couldn’t stand Rebecca but I’ll get into that later. There are things that happened in this book that aren’t realistic but you would end up seeing in a movie like spy kids or something, but I still had high hopes. The story really kicks off when Rebecca comes to Tan’s house looking for a place to hide out, she stole some coins that are worth a lot of money and now her dads people are looking for her. The problem with Rebecca is she thinks the world revolves around her, she doesn’t care that she put other people in danger she only cares that she’s able to get away. When Rebecca left, Tan’s self esteem went way down and he feels inadequate. We have Winter who’s always trying to remind him that he’s worth more than he thinks but for some reason Rebecca has a hold on him. I don’t think there was a reason for the love triangle because it was obvious who would end up together. Anyway Tan is a cryptographer which is pretty cool because I don’t think I’ve read about any other main character who was into that. His cryptography skills are the reason Rebecca sought him out, the coins she stole are encrypted and she thought he would be the one to crack the code. The three teens end up traveling around San Francisco and surrounding areas and even seeking refuge with a place called The Cove. I think this would have been a fun book if Rebecca wasn’t an insufferable character, for me she really brings the vibe down.

Overall, this was an enjoyable book. I liked Tan, Winter, and Sana. The mystery was interesting and I liked learning more about cryptography. I would have given this a higher rating if I didn’t have to get through every chapter reminding myself that Rebecca is just a fictional character and I wouldn’t have to deal with her in person. If you’ve read other books by this author, I would say this one has more of an adventure/mystery pace and for her first time doing this genre its not bad, and I would recommend it!

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