Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

MYSTERIOUS WAYS By Wendy WunderMysterious Ways by Wendy Wunder
Published by Wednesday Books on 8/27/24
Genres: Contemporary, Mental Health, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 332
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Seventeen-year-old Maya knows everything. When she looks at someone, she instantly knows their history, their private thoughts, their secret desires, their most tragic failures. Combine these private miseries with the general state of the world, and it's easy to see why Maya's power starts to get her down…

Which is why she was sent to the Whispering Pines Psychiatric Facility, and also why starting at a new school is going to be such a challenge. Now, faced with Tyler, a cute guy she actually wants to know everything about, Maya realizes that maybe her power isn't so horrible after all. Maybe she can use it for good. Maybe she can even get the guy. Or maybe there really is such a thing as knowing too much.

Short and Sweet Review

When Maya looks at someone she’s instantly able to know about their history. As nice as this seems this power becomes overwhelming and it starts to bring her down, which is why she’s sent to Whispering Pines Psychiatric Facility. Maya is also going to start school soon which is going to be tough but when she meets Tyler she wants to know everything about him, so maybe her power can come in handy.

This book is 332 pages and I’m going to admit I had no idea what was going on, and I think it’s because of how the book is written. We have chapters with Maya’s POV and then sprinkled in are other characters POVs and it all seemed disjointed. Towards the end I feel like I kind of knew what was happening but I’m still not completely sure. Maya is able to hear people’s thoughts and sometimes she can influence their thoughts and make them change their minds about things and she considers herself to be God. I think the premise sounded great but the execution wasn’t great. I also had a hard time connecting with Maya and the other characters.

Overall, I spent most of the book trying to figure out what was going on and I failed. I wish I liked this book but I couldn’t it was way too confusing for me to follow along.

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