Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE ORACLE QUEEN By Kendare BlakeThe Oracle Queen by Kendare Blake
Series: Three Dark Crowns #0.1
Published by HarperTeen on 4/3/18
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 120
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Triplet queens born on the island of Fennbirn can be many things: Elementals. Poisoners. Naturalists. If an oracle queen is born, however, one with the gift of sight, she’s immediately drowned, extinguishing her chance at ever taking the throne.

But that’s not how it always was. This cautionary practice started long ago, with Queen Elsabet—the legendary, and last, oracle queen—whose reign was tinged with blood and horror.

Paranoid, ruthless, and utterly mad, Elsabet’s mistrust led to the senseless slaying of three entire houses of innocent people. At least, that’s the unchallenged tale carried down from generation to generation. But what really happened? Discover the true story behind the queen who, though born with the gift of sight, could not foresee her swift and sudden fall from power . . . until it was too late.

Short and Sweet Review

“Do not be sorry. Just do not become my enemy.”

The Oracle Queen is the story of the last oracle queen of Fennbirn, Queen Elsabet. Queen Elsabet is known for taking the throne and eventually going crazy, she orders that three houses with families inside be burnt down without reason or cause. I felt really bad reading Elsabet’s story she was dealt a bad hand when it came to the people closest to her that she should have been able to trust. Everyone around her was out to make her look bad except her maid and the leader of the queens guard. I liked Elsabet she knew that some of the people on the black council were a little shady and didn’t like how she operated as the queen. There’s a lot of back stabbing and shadiness that goes on in this book and I just wish that Elsabet and the people she could actually trust caught onto it before it was too late. When starting this book I came into it thinking that Elsabet was ruling with an iron fist and that she was crazy but she was the opposite and trying to make everyone happy. Elsabet’s story is just tragic and after reading it I’m just so conflicted I don’t want to spoil anything but if it wasn’t for the people in this book all future born oracle queens wouldn’t be drowned out of the fear that they’re mad. I enjoyed this novella and learning about the last oracle queen I just wish Elsabet’s fate turned out a little differently. I would say that this novella can be read before starting the Three Dark Crowns series or in between books.


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