PAST PRESENT FUTURE By Rachel Lynn Solomon

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

PAST PRESENT FUTURE By Rachel Lynn SolomonPast Present Future by Rachel Lynn Solomon
Series: Rowan & Neil #2
Published by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers on 6/4/24
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 382
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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When longtime rivals Rowan Roth and Neil McNair confessed their feelings on the last day of senior year, they knew they’d only have a couple months together before they left for college. Now summer is over, and they’re determined to make their relationship work as they begin school in different places.

In Boston, Rowan is eager to be among other aspiring novelists, learning from a creative writing professor she adores. She’s just not sure why she suddenly can’t seem to find her voice.

In New York, Neil embraces the chaos of the city, clicking with a new friend group more easily than he anticipated. But when his past refuses to leave him alone, he doesn’t know how to handle his rapidly changing mental health—or how to talk about it with the girl he loves.

Over a year of late-night phone calls, weekend visits, and East Coast adventures, Rowan and Neil fall for each other again and again as they grapple with the uncertainty of their new lives. They’ve spent so many years at odds with each other—now that they’re finally on the same team, what does the future hold for them?

Short and Sweet Review

Rowan and Neil confessed their feelings for each other and now they’re headed off to college. In this sequel we get to see Rowan and Neil navigate their first year at college and a long distance relationship.

When I read Today Tonight Tomorrow, I ended up falling in love with Rowan and Neil especially how we see them start off as rivals and eventually admit their feelings for each other. It feels like they’re all grown up now. Rowan is it Emerson doing creative writing while Neil is at NYU studying linguistics. Back home Rowan didn’t have a big group so she’s fearful about making new friends but she didn’t do too bad, because she ended up hanging out with some people from class. We also see Rowan struggle with her writing and I did like how supportive her teacher was and how she went out of her way to help Rowan. Neil on the other hand has a pretty cool roommate who is always inviting him out and already has a few friends at the same college so Neil integrates into that friend group. What we do see with Neil is that his dad continues to write him letters and it starts to bother Neil more than it has before. I think this is when Neil takes an interest in the psychology course he’s taking and he also learns that it’s okay not to be okay all the time. I loved that Rowan and Neil both had support systems while at college but they also had each other. We see Rowan and Neil text, FaceTime, and call each other, but they also take the time to travel the four hours it takes to see each other. They’re still a cute couple and long distance relationships aren’t easy so we do see some bumps in the road for them and that’s normal, I liked seeing how they worked through the distance and also trying to keep the communication up. The chemistry between these two is amazing and they’re honestly one of my favorite couples.

Overall, this book is heartfelt, and we get to experiences things with these characters that are so relatable like love, loss, and just navigating life as a young adult. If you haven’t read Today Tonight Tomorrow, get your hands on it so you can read this sequel! Rowan and Neil are characters you’ll fall in love with and will be rooting for them through the highs and lows.

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