QUEEN OF VOLTS By Amanda Foody

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

QUEEN OF VOLTS By Amanda  FoodyQueen of Volts by Amanda Foody
Series: The Shadow Game #3
Published by Inkyard Press on 9/1/20
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 608
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Return to the City of Sin, where the perilous final game is about to begin...The players? Twenty-two of the most powerful, most notorious people in New Reynes.

With no choice but to play, Enne and Levi are desperate to forge new alliances and bargain for their safety. But any misstep could turn deadly when a far more dangerous opponent appears on the board — one plucked straight from the city’s most gruesome legends. While Levi hides behind a mask of false promises, Enne is finally forced out from behind hers and as the game takes its final, vicious turn, these two must decide once and for all whether to be partners or enemies.

Because in a game for survival, there are no winners...

There are only monsters.

Short and Sweet

Queen of Volts takes place right where King of Fools left off. After the corrupt election and street war everyone is ready to move on except there’s one last game everyone has to play. 22 notorious and powerful people in New Reynes have been given a card and a target, and one of these players is a legend who isn’t going out without a fight.


Levi: Levi is still struggling after losing Jac, but Tock makes him realize he still needs to do his job as the leader of the irons. Levi just wants the gangs to be pardoned and for things to go back to anything that seems normal. Levi is ready to make new alliances and put politicians at peace, anything to be sure his friends will be safe.

Enne: Enne on the other hand has to be careful with everything she does. Now that it has been revealed that she’s a Mizer any misstep could lead to her death. Enne needs to be pardoned to but she’s going to have to work a lot harder to make it seem like she’s not a threat. Enne just wanted to feel safe like the rest of her friends and she had to make more sacrifices than others to get it.

Lola: Lola is on a mission to get information and the information she wants is on Enne’s parents. I didn’t really like Lola in this book as the other characters said she was “the worst version of herself.” I feel like she wasn’t around her friends much and dismissed them for most of the book which isn’t like her. She also bargained something away and I don’t think she really thought of what she’d actually lose when she made that decision.

Sophia: All Sophia wants is to find the bargainer and regain her memories and maybe her split talent back. I didn’t mind reading from Sophia’s POV she was just trying to get back the part of her she felt was missing. She’s kind of like an outsider to our group.

Harvey: Ahh Harvey. Harvey is a hot mess. All Harvey cares about is Bryce he would do anything for Bryce which is upsetting because Bryce would not do the same for Harvey. Anyway Bryce is the reason all our characters are in this mess so I had no love for him. Harvey tries to see the best in Bryce and he’s the only character wasting their time to do so.


Levi and Enne: The relationship between these two is strained mainly because of what happened with Enne and Jac, it hangs in the air between these two. Its also not great that they begin to use each other to get what they want. I like it better when they trust each other and work as partners and we don’t see that until the last half of the book.


~ “The City of Sin was a game, and the only way to win was to stack the cards in your favor.”

My Thoughts

~ Its been a while since I’ve read King of Fools so I didn’t really remember what happened and it took me a bit but everything started clicking and I started following the story with ease.

~ So Bryce set up this game where everyone has a card and a target and the game will end when one of the players collects 5 cards. It’s actually a very complex game which is what our players realize and they decide the best way to go about this is to work together.

~ I loved seeing everyone work together, they may not have all known each other but they did have a common goal. I liked seeing everyone come up with a plan and seeing how they would execute it.

~ Above under characters I listed all of the ones we have a POV for. We have more characters that show up thought like: Bryce, Rebecca, Narinder, Harrison, The Bargainer, Tock, Roy, and Grace.

~ I didn’t mind all the POVs and there wasn’t one I preferred to read more than the other. I liked seeing where each of the characters were or what they were going through.

~ The bargainer is a big deal mainly because she has the ability to give you what you want after taking something from you. Bryce needs the bargainer to heal Rebecca.

~ The bargainer was an interesting character, she’s a legend in New Reynes but she befriends Lola and doesn’t seem like that bad of a person but on the other hand she is.

~ There were a few twists that I wasn’t expecting but they were welcome twists.

~ We also learn more about Enne’s family which I was excited for and what we learn doesn’t disappoint!


This was such an amazing ending to this series! I loved it so much I couldn’t put it down. I’m going to miss these characters a lot mainly Enne and Levi. This was probably my favorite book in the series and it really didn’t disappoint it was explosive and kept you on the edge of your seat watching this one final game take place. If you haven’t read this series I recommend you pick them up!

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