Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

REAPER OF SOULS By Rena BarronReaper of Souls by Rena Barron
Series: Kingdom of Souls #2
Published by HarperTeen on 2/16/21
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 448
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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After so many years yearning for the gift of magic, Arrah has the one thing she’s always wanted—but it came at too steep a price. Now the last surviving witchdoctor, she’s been left to pick up the shattered pieces of a family that betrayed her, a kingdom plunged into chaos, and a love that can never be.

While Arrah returns to the tribal lands to search for survivors of the demons’ attack, her beloved Rudjek hunts down the remnants of the demon army—and uncovers a plot that would destroy what’s left of their world.

The Demon King wants Arrah, and if she and Rudjek can’t unravel his schemes, he will destroy everything, and everyone, standing in his way.

Short and Sweet

Arrah has always wanted magic, and now she has it. Arrah is the last surviving witchdoctor but she’s powerful especially with the magic she received from the chieftains. Arrah knows that she has to pick up the pieces of what’s been ruined by demon king, so she sets off with her friends to search for survivors of the demon attack. Rudjek on the other hand is hunting down the demon army, and when he realizes that there’s a bigger scheme at hand he knows he has to try to put a stop to it or everything will be destroyed.


Arrah: Arrah is our main character. Arrah is always trying to do what is right, sometimes she doesn’t she makes mistakes, but who doesn’t? Arrah tries her best to try to make up for what her mother and sister did but sometimes she wonders if she’s just as bad as them. Arrah is pretty powerful, and some don’t think that she should be trusted with all of that magic.

Rudjek: Rudjek is learning how to use his new magic and getting used to his new role as a leader. Rudjek has also been hunting demons. I liked Rudjek he was just trying to keep his people safe.


Arrah and Rudjek: So this relationship is more complicated this time around. Arrah has magic and Rudjek has anti magic and it isn’t one of those things where opposites attract this literally makes them repel. Arrah and Rudjek deeply care for each other and want to find a way to make things work despite the anti magic being in their way.

My Thoughts

Reaper of Souls takes place right where Kingdom of Souls left off. Arrah’s sister and the demon king are gone for now, and now Arrah’s focus is on the aftermath of the battle and finding survivors. Arrah carries a lot of guilt with her, she thinks that if she could have done things differently there would have been less destruction. We also see Rudjek come to in his new position and learn how to use his new powers.

The demon king is still making his presence known with all of the demons that have been around, and Rudjek plans on trying to figure out what they want. Arrah is also being plagued by having memories of the unnamed Orisha (Dimma) in her head and also the voice of Daho.

There’s a lot of choices the characters have to make and most of them aren’t easy. I like how they keep pushing on, Arrah especially because she knows she can’t give up and that some of the tribal people are counting on her.

The chapters from the unnamed orisha really give us an insight on how we got to where we are and why the Gods and the Demon King have been in battle for centuries.


I thought this sequel was amazing even better than the first book mainly because there wasn’t so much world building going on so the pacing wasn’t slow. We really learn more about the characters in this book and I love it. Theres a few twists in the plot that I wasn’t ready for but they really set up the big things that were going to happen. I’m excited to see what the next book has in store! Definitely check out the first two books it does get better and keeps you mesmerized!

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