RISE OF FIRE By Sophie Jordan

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

RISE OF FIRE By Sophie JordanRise of Fire by Sophie Jordan
Series: Reign of Shadows #2
Published by HarperTeen on 2/7/17
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 304
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Luna and Fowler have escaped the kingdom of Relhok, but they haven’t escaped the darkness. When a battle against the dark dwellers mortally injures Fowler, Luna is faced with a choice: put their fate in the hands of mysterious strangers or risk losing Fowler forever.

Desperate to keep the one bright part of her life alive, Luna accepts the help of soldiers from a nearby kingdom. Lagonia’s castle offers reprieve from the dangerous outside world—until the King discovers both Fowler and Luna’s true ties to Relhok and their influence over the throne.

Now pawns in each kingdom’s political game, Luna and Fowler are more determined than ever to escape and build the life they’ve been dreaming of. But their own pasts have a tight hold on their hearts and their destinies. Luna must embrace the darkness and fire within her before she loses not only Fowler but the power she was destined to inherit.

Short and Sweet

Rise of Fire picks up right where Reign of Shadow ended. Luna and Fowler end up at the kingdom of Lagonia, seeking help for Fowler after a battle with the dwellers that left him poisoned. The two then become the pawns of the King of Lagonia who seeks to use them for his political motives.


Luna: One of our main characters. Luna is blind and is hiding her identity as the Princess of Relhok.

Fowler: The Prince of Relhok and Luna’s love interest.


Okay so while I was reading I felt like there could be multiple couple alerts in the book let me start by listing them.

Luna and Fowler: These two have been together since the first book and developed feelings for each other during the course of being together for so long.

Luna and Prince Chasan: Okay these two were supposed to get married because it was the decision of the King, and I thought Luna was developing feelings for him just like we could see Chasan developing feelings for Luna.

Fowler and Princess Maris: Fowler and Maris have been betrothed for a while but Fowler went “missing” anyway this romance was mainly one sided.


~ “I lost all sense of time in a world where every moment counted.”

My Thoughts

~ To be honest very very honest, this book was a disappointment. I loved the first book but after reading this one I feel let down.

~ I liked the survival aspect of the first book and trying to evade the dwellers but in this book we get more politics of being royalty.

~ I liked Luna sometimes and others I didn’t, she kept putting herself in situations she didn’t need to be in. She tried to be the hero at times she didn’t need to be.

~ The new characters we meet were pretty interesting. Prince Chasan was someone you didn’t really know if you could trust. Princess Maris was shallow and didn’t care about much except her upcoming wedding.

~ I felt like this book was rushed especially at the end. I thought this would at least be a trilogy but its not, this was the end. I mean Luna was on a quest to go back to Relhok to confront Cullan to get her Kingdom back but we don’t get any of that. I feel like there are a lot of questions that are left unanswered.


I loved the first book but this book left me wanting so much more. I feel like there was so many things that could have happened that didn’t and we didn’t get answers to certain things. I don’t know if I would recommend this book. Definitely read the first one but Rise of Fire leaves you with the feeling that you want so much more.


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