Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

SEASONS OF THE STORM By Elle CosimanoSeasons of the Storm by Elle Cosimano
Series: Seasons of the Storm #1
Published by HarperTeen on 6/23/20
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 480
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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One cold, crisp night, Jack Sommers was faced with a choice—live forever according to the ancient, magical rules of Gaia, or die.

Jack chose to live, and in exchange, he became a Winter—an immortal physical embodiment of the season on Earth. Every year, he must hunt the Season who comes before him. Summer kills Spring. Autumn kills Summer. Winter kills Autumn. And Spring kills Winter.

Jack and Fleur, a Winter and a Spring, fall for each other against all odds. To be together, they’ll have to escape the cycle that’s been forcing them apart. But their creator won’t let them go without a fight.

Short and Sweet

Hanging between life and death, Jack was given a choice he could either die or live as an immortal. Jack chose to live and with that decision he became the embodiment of the season Winter.

Every year the Seasons have to hunt each other. Summer kills Spring, Autumn kills Summer, Winter kills Autumn, and Spring kills Winter.

Jack has fallen in love with Fleur a spring, but to be together these two have to figure a way out of a cycle that has kept them apart for years, but Chronos won’t let these two go without a fight.


Jack (Winter): Jack is one of our main characters and his main goal in this book is to be with the girl he loves and he’s willing to sacrifice everything. At first it may have seemed that Jack was only doing it for himself but towards the end of the book he forms a bond with Amber and Julio. Jack’s handler is Chill.

Fleur (Spring): Fleur is about to be terminated she takes to long to kill Jack and when her season is over she doesn’t put up a fight she basically lets Julio kill her. Fleur has a good relationship with Julio they’re best friends and I did like seeing the interactions they had with each other. Fleur’s handler is Poppy.

Amber (Autumn): Amber seems reluctant to leave the observatory but she goes along with the plan anyway. Amber just wants to make it to Arizona to see her mother for the last time. Amber was a little standoffish but in the end she was protective of everyone around her. Amber’s handler is Woody.

Julio (Summer): Julio seems like a hot head but he really cares about those around him. He loves to surf and play his guitar. I really think that if he had his own POV I would love him even more. Julio’s handler is Marie


Jack and Fleur: These two have been in love for a long time, but it’s hard to make things work when Fleur has to kill Jack at the end of his season. I love how Jack was determined to make things work, he researched and figured out that he and Fleur could be together. They’re both protective of each other and I was glad that once they were out of their cycle they had more time to figure out they were together these two just fit.

Amber and Julio: Amber and Julio also had a lot of love for each other but kept their distance from each other after they had an incident in the 80s. If Jack and Fleur were protective of each other Amber and Julio took it to another level. These two knew that they were meant to be together and I’m glad that they finally got the chance.


~”Spring’s here, and my season’s over. Our time’s up, and now she has to send me home.”

~”Because we were willing to take risks for each other.”

My Thoughts

~ This book started off really slow to me, it wasn’t until I reached the 30% that things really started to pick up.

~ My favorite part of this book was getting to see the seasons work together, they’re so used to killing each other and now they have to work together to survive. It was fun watching them escape the observatory and then seeing them go cross country to try to evade Chronos and stay alive.

~ We only get Jack and Fleur’s POV and I enjoyed both I think it would be interesting to get Amber and Julio’s also. There wasn’t more POV that I enjoyed over the other, I liked seeing how both of them felt with everything going on around them.

~ So each season had a different power, Fleur could control nature, Julio could control water, Amber had Fire, and Jack could freeze things.

~ The seasons could survive by using each other, but they had to be careful not to take too much from the other season.

~ I loved the handlers in this book, it was their job to look out for their season but they did a great job when they had to split up from their seasons. The handlers had a harder time living outside of the observatory because they were more susceptible to becoming sick.


This book started off slow but when things started to pick up I couldn’t put it down! There was so much suspense and I loved seeing the teamwork from the foursome. Chronos was always one step behind so the group always had to be on the move and when they had to fight they stood their ground. I’m excited to see what will happen in the sequel!

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