Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE SECRET OF A HEART NOTE By Stacey LeeThe Secret of a Heart Note by Stacey Lee
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on 12/27/16
Genres: Contemporary, Fantasy & Magic, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 384
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Sometimes love is right under your nose. As one of only two aromateurs left on the planet, sixteen-year-old Mimosa knows what her future holds: a lifetime of weeding, mixing love elixirs, and matchmaking—all while remaining incurably alone. For Mim, the rules are clear: falling in love would render her nose useless, taking away her one great talent. Still, Mimosa doesn’t want to spend her life elbow-deep in soil and begonias. She dreams of a normal high school experience with friends, sports practices, debate club, and even a boyfriend. But when she accidentally gives an elixir to the wrong woman and has to rely on the lovesick woman’s son, the school soccer star, to help fix the situation, Mim quickly begins to realize that falling in love isn’t always a choice you can make.

Short and Sweet

Mimosa is an aromateur, who makes love elixirs and does matchmaking with her mother at their family business. When Mim accidentally gives a love elixir to the wrong person, she has to hurry and try to fix her mistake by making a new elixir that will cancel out the effects of the first.

My Thoughts

~ Mim was what made the story for me. I loved her character. She was real, made mistakes and was determined to fix them. What I loved about her the most was how much she cared about her family and friends they were always on her mind when she did things.

~ So what is an aromateur you ask? It’s a type of witch and aromateurs have a nose like no one else. They can smell what people are feeling and the various types of plants around them and in other parts of the world. I liked the aspect of aromateurs it made this book unique and different I don’t think that there are other books with aromateurs.

~ The plot was great. I loved seeing Mim try to save the day and fix what she got wrong. It was also interesting to see her and her romantic interest because “Love witches can’t love.”

~ I liked Court he was sweet and he was willing to help Mim even though this was all new to him. He definitely loved his family and was looking out for their best interest.

~ Kali, aunt Bryony, and Mim’s mom were my favorite, they all loved Mim and were supportive and tried to help her.

~ Learning about aromateur history was interesting especially about the “curse” and the reason aromateurs can’t fall in love.

~ I don’t want to spoil anything, but I was freaking out with Mim when something happened.

~ The romance was the best, the chemistry between Court and Mim was sweet.

South Park eric cartman omg oh my god so cute


I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a cute book with a little magic. I liked how things were tied up in the end, this is the first book I’ve read by Stacey Lee and I plan on reading her other books!



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