Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

SISTERS OF SWORD AND SONG By Rebecca RossSisters of Sword and Song by Rebecca Ross
Published by HarperTeen on 6/23/20
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 480
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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After eight years, Evadne will finally be reunited with her older sister, Halcyon, who has been serving in the queen’s army. But when Halcyon unexpectedly appears a day early, Eva knows something is wrong. Halcyon has charged with a heinous crime, and though her life is spared, she is sentenced to 15 years.

Suspicious of the charges, brought forth by Halcyon’s army commander, as well as the details of the crime, Eva volunteers to take part of her sister’s sentence. If there’s a way to absolve Halcyon, she’ll find it. But as the sisters begin their sentences, they quickly learn that there are fates worse than death.

Short and Sweet

Evadne has waited eight long years to be reunited with her sister Halcyon, but when Halcyon arrives a day earlier than expected Evadne knows something is wrong. When Halcyon’s commander comes he informs that Halcyon is on the run and is going to be charged with murder. Halcyon’s life is spared but she is given a 15 year punishment, which Evadne decides to take part of, and find out what truly happened while Halcyon was gone.


Evadne: Evadne has always been over looked, mainly because Halcyon was held in a higher regard. Throughout this book Evadne showed that she’s not just her sisters shadow she’s very capable even when people thought she wouldn’t be. I loved Evadne she was willing to do what it took to make things right and she was brave and loved those closest to her fiercely.

Halcyon: Halcyon was one of the commander’s favorite Hoplites until she made a grave mistake and ended up killing the commander’s son, Xander. Halcyon has the mentality of a warrior she’s fierce and brave but after what happened she’s changed. I think the only thing that got Halcyon through her punishment at the quarry was the thought that she had to make it back to her family especially Evadne.

Damon: Damon’s older brother was Xander, and although he’s still dealing with the death of his brother, he promises Halcyon that he’ll look out for Evadne. Damon is a mage, he’s not the most powerful but he’s not the weakest either. I liked Damon he was caring and he was also willing to risk everything to make things right.


Evadne and Damon: Damon and Evadne meet at Halcyon’s court date and from then on he begins looking out for her like he promised Halcyon. Over a few weeks Evadne becomes Damon’s Scribe and they spend more time together. Their relationship was slow and I liked that the book wasn’t entirely focused on their relationship. Evadne and Damon’s relationship was sweet they kept each other going during their toughest moments.

My Thoughts

~ We get both Evadne and Halcyon’s POV in this book and I think I enjoyed Evadne’s more mainly because it was interesting to see her work as a scribe.

~ Halcyon and Xander’s mission before everything happened was to find a relic that would help the Queen and break a spell on her. After everything Damon and Evadne take on that mission. I liked seeing Evadne and Damon’s quest to find the relic, I also liked how more relics were revealed in the book.

~ Even though I wanted to be mad at how Halcyon was treated she had a lot of pride and she was willing to accept the consequences for her actions.

~ Halcyon meets Thales in the quarry and he ends up being a worthy ally to her.

~ The way everything took place and the pacing of the book was perfect. It was hard to put the book down I just wanted to know what would happen next especially towards the end.

~ Both Evadne and Halcyon grew a lot in this book. Evadne realized that she was her own person and was capable of doing things that she may have not thought possible. Halcyon was still fierce but she was a little more ruthless.


The ending to this book was satisfying. I love the bond between Halcyon and Evadne they loved each other a lot. This book was amazing and I couldn’t put it down. I thought we would just see the sister’s go through their punishment but there was so much more than that, there was magic and relics, and an epic battle at the end. If you see this book pick it up and read it!!!

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