STAR DAUGHTER By Shveta Thakrar

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

STAR DAUGHTER By Shveta ThakrarStar Daughter by Shveta Thakrar
Published by HarperTeen on 8/11/20
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 448
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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The daughter of a star and a mortal, Sheetal is used to keeping secrets. Pretending to be “normal.” But when an accidental flare of her starfire puts her human father in the hospital, Sheetal needs a full star’s help to heal him. A star like her mother, who returned to the sky long ago.

Sheetal’s quest to save her father will take her to a celestial court of shining wonders and dark shadows, where she must take the stage as her family’s champion in a competition to decide the next ruling house of the heavens—and win, or risk never returning to Earth at all.

Short and Sweet

Sheetal is half star and half mortal. After she flares up and ends up injuring her father, Sheetal knows she has to have the help of a full star to help heal him. Sheetal’s only choice is to travel to the Starry Court. When she arrives Sheetal learns that she is to compete in a competition and win otherwise she won’t get what she came for.


Sheetal: Sheetal is our half star half mortal main character. Sheetal has lived her whole life on Earth and mainly with her father after her mother returned to the sky. Sheetal has to hide that she’s half star on Earth, so when she arrives to the Starry Court she basically has to learn the ins and outs of being a full star. Sheetal is smart and she knew right from wrong and she didn’t want to be used as a pawn in her family’s games. Sheetal has a lot of love for those closest to her and will try to do her best to help.

Minal: Minal is Sheetal’s best friend. I loved Minal she was supportive and always kept Sheetal grounded. I was glad that Minal got to accompany Sheetal on her quest.


Sheetal and Dev: Sheetal and Dev met on Earth and had a falling out after learning that his ancestor was a star hunter. Dev also ends up in the Starry Court to be a companion for his cousin Jeet and that’s where Dev and Sheetal reunite. I didn’t really feel the sparks between the two of them so I could have done without this romance.

My Thoughts

~ Sheetal has grown up on Earth so when she hears the Star’s singing to her its almost like they’re calling her home. After the incident with her dad, Sheetal knows she has no choice but to answer the call.

~ Everything in the Starry Court sounded so beautiful and full of magic.

~ The Stars have this thing called a Sidereal where they can listen in on other star’s feelings and thoughts. Sheetal had trouble shielding her emotions so it was embarrassing for her when other’s knew what she was thinking.

~ Sheetal is finally reunited with her mom. I like Charumati but I feel like these two have missed out on a lot of things but they do have each other now.

~ Sheetal also meets her grandparents. Sheetal’s grandmother is very fierce and wants what she wants. Her grandmother believes that mortals and stars shouldn’t interact and wants to close the gates between the realms.

~ So there’s 27 families in the Starry Court. These families pick a mortal champion to represent them in the competition and the mortal that wins helps that family become the ruling house of the heavens.

~ The competition members are fierce and serious about winning and most of them see Sheetal as a threat.


I loved how this book had Hindu inspired mythology! For Sheetal’s three day journey she endured a lot. I enjoyed seeing Sheetal learn more about Stars and her family’s history and competing. The pacing in this book was great and I was excited to be swept away in this world!

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