SUNRISE NIGHTS By Jeff Zentner and Brittany Cavallaro

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

SUNRISE NIGHTS By Jeff Zentner and Brittany CavallaroSunrise Nights by Brittany Cavallaro, Jeff Zentner
Published by Quill Tree Books on 7/9/24
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 395
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Jude loves photography, and he’s good at it, too. Between his parents’ divorce and his anxiety, being behind a camera is the only time his mind is quiet.

Florence is confronting the premature end of her dance career as a degenerative eye disease begins to steal her balance. She’s having a hard time letting go.

The two meet at Sunrise Night, their sleepaway art camp’s dusk-to-dawn closing celebration, and decide to take a chance on each other. Their one rule: No contact for a year after the sun has risen. Over the course of three Sunrise Nights, will Florence and Jude find a deeper connection and learn who they are—and who they could be together?

Short and Sweet Review

Jude loves photography and he’s found solace in it. With his anxiety and his parents divorce being things that take up a lot of space in his mind he knows he can turn to a camera and things will be okay for the time being. Florence is a dancer and she has a degenerative eye disease and she’s losing her balance. Florence is trying to make use of the time she has while also coming to terms that in the near future she won’t be able to dance again. Jude and Florence meet on the last night of sleep away camp and they decide to participate in the sunrise night celebration together.

Sunrise Nights takes place at a sleep away camp and on the final night of camp there’s a celebration from dusk till dawn where campers are free to go explore. Jude and Florence’s story goes across three years. Both of our characters don’t seem to have a lot of friends at camp so when they meet it was like they were taking a chance on each other. I enjoyed the premise of sunrise nights I think it would be fun to go to a camp like that and just explore the surroundings with friends. We see Jude and Florence go around to different stops in town and get to know each other and they do open up to each other a lot and I think its due to the fact that they’re strangers so they can say all the pressing things that they don’t feel like they can reveal to those closer to them. Florence comes up with an idea that after the first sunrise night that they go no contact until they meet again the next year. I thought this was interesting because it was hard on both of them but it just gave them more to talk about the next year. The mix of verse and dialogue was great, it added to our characters and their stories. When we first meet Jude we learn about his parents messy divorce and his anxiety, and Florence is dealing with her eye disease. Both of these characters open up to each other and it’s raw and when we see them grow in the course of three years it’s also heartwarming. The banter and adventures shared between these two was special. I loved the setting and I just wanted to see where the night would take them and I was always looking forward to the next time they would meet at camp.

Sunrise Nights is perfect to read during a summer night. Jude and Florence are characters who will win a place in your heart and their stories are moving. I enjoyed every second of this book and would say its worth a spot on your bookshelf!


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