Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE DEAD AND THE DARK By Courtney GouldThe Dead and the Dark by Courtney Gould
Published by Wednesday Books on 8/3/21
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, LGBT, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 374
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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The Dark has been waiting for far too long, and it won't stay hidden any longer.

Something is wrong in Snakebite, Oregon. Teenagers are disappearing, some turning up dead, the weather isn’t normal, and all fingers seem to point to TV’s most popular ghost hunters who have just returned to town. Logan Ortiz-Woodley, daughter of TV's ParaSpectors, has never been to Snakebite before, but the moment she and her dads arrive, she starts to get the feeling that there's more secrets buried here than they originally let on.

Ashley Barton’s boyfriend was the first teen to go missing, and she’s felt his presence ever since. But now that the Ortiz-Woodleys are in town, his ghost is following her and the only person Ashley can trust is the mysterious Logan. When Ashley and Logan team up to figure out who—or what—is haunting Snakebite, their investigation reveals truths about the town, their families, and themselves that neither of them are ready for. As the danger intensifies, they realize that their growing feelings for each other could be a light in the darkness.

Short and Sweet Review

Logan’s dads ghost hunters on the show ParaSpectors. When Logan’s dad Brandon goes back home to Snakebite, Oregon, things start to go wrong teenagers start disappearing and some even end up dead. Everyone starts to suspect its Logan and her dads but Logan is ready to figure out what’s really going on and she learns that some secrets are better left buried.

Ashley’s boyfriend was one of the first teens to go missing and ever since then she can feel his presence. Because Logan’s dads are well known ghost hunters Ashley decides to team up with her to figure out what is going on in Snakebite.

This book is everything you want when it comes to books about ghost, small towns, and weird vibes. The people in Snakebite definitely have that small town mentality where they really look down on outsiders and that’s exactly what Logan and her dads are. But Brandon and Alejo grew up in Snakebite they just happened to leave, but they weren’t welcomed back with open arms, honestly if these people had pitchforks I’m sure they would have used them. Logan is a strong and determined character, she may have a rocky relationship with Brandon but she’ll still defend him and Alejo’s innocence. Logan has a dry sarcastic sense of humor and if you like that you’ll love her. Logan and Brandon’s rocky relationship gets explored and I liked how it gets resolved. Ashley and Logan start working together and it was an interesting pairing because Logan doesn’t care what people think but Ashley does and that makes her want to hide the fact that she’s working with Logan, also her friends weren’t very supportive and they wouldn’t hear her out. Ashley and Logan find a lot secrets about both of their families and something called the Dark which is a very interesting entity. Logan, Ashely, and The Dark had POVs and it was great because Logan and Ashley are going through different things throughout the book and seeing what The Dark is doing adds to the creepy tone of the book.

If you like creepy ghost books this one is for you! I loved the characters and seeing how their investigation progressed. There was a lot of things that were uncovered that’ll leave you wanting more and the ending was satisfying.

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