Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE WRONG NUMBER By R.L. StineThe Wrong Number by R.L. Stine
Series: Fear Street #5
Published by Simon Pulse on 12/4/12
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 203
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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It begins as an innocent prank: Deena Martinson and her best friend, Jade Smith, make sexy phone calls to the boys from school. But Deena’s half-brother, Chuck, catches them in the act and threatens to tell their parents—unless the girls let him in on the fun. Chuck begins making random calls, threatening anyone who answers. It’s dangerous and exciting. The teens are even enjoying the publicity and the uproar they’ve caused.

Until Chuck calls a number on Fear Street.

Short and Sweet Review

Deena and her best friend Jade decide to make prank calls to the boys at their school pretending to be their secret admirers. When Deena’s brother Chuck catches them he wants in on the fun or he’ll tell on Deena. Unlike the silly phone calls Deena and Jade were making, Chuck makes phone calls that include bomb threats and just messing with the other guys at school. When Chuck makes a phone call to a house on Fear Street things go downhill for the three teens fast.

I’m back with another Fear Street book to review, and I won’t lie this one wasn’t bad. This book reminded me off all the things you get mad at characters in a horror movie for, like going towards the danger instead of away from it, or stalking the bad guy but getting caught, also breaking and entering and getting caught. Even though it was predictable with all the bad movie tropes I found it entertaining and funny because it’s so bad it’s good. Anyway when Chuck makes that phone call to fear street it turns out the person on the other end of the phone is getting murdered by their husband. Chuck feels the need to go to this house on Fear Street and the group ends up being chased by the killer husband. The police come and Chuck ends up in custody and now it’s up to Deena and Jade to prove it wasn’t Chuck and get evidence that will prove his innocence. Honestly this is one of the better Fear Street books that I’ve read. I didn’t like Chuck he was a troublemaker but I did enjoy the girls. It was fun seeing them try to go undercover and fail spectacularly at it but it was good nonetheless. Also what about making prank phone calls, it just brings back a lot of nostalgia.

Overall, I liked this book it wasn’t on par with Young Adult books that are also in the horror genre today but this one had such a scary movie vibe to it that I had a good time reading it. I’m hoping the second book is just as good. I would recommend this book for anyone who wants to relive the 90s!

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