Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THESE VENGEFUL HEARTS By Katherine LaurinThese Vengeful Hearts by Katherine Laurin
Published by Inkyard Press on 9/8/20
Genres: Contemporary, Mysteries & Detective Stories, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Whenever something scandalous happens at Heller High, the Red Court is the name on everyone’s lips. Its members deal out social ruin and favors in equal measure, their true identities known only by their leader: the Queen of Hearts.

Ember Williams has seen firsthand the damage the Red Court can do. Now, she’s determined to hold the organization accountable by taking it down from the inside. But will the cost of revenge be more than she’s willing to sacrifice?

Short and Sweet Review

Ember is ready to take down the Red Court. Whenever something scandalous happens at Heller High there’s one name that comes up and its the Red Court. Ember has been ready to get revenge on them ever since the accident that left her sister paralyzed. Now that Ember has been invited into the club she has the chance to dismantle it. The Red Court is more than Ember bargained for, especially when the jobs will effect those closest to her.

I did like the mystery of who the Red Queen was and who the other members of the court might be. Ember did get a little caught up into the world of the Red Court she liked the power and control she felt. It was interesting, she got a partner, Haley who was kind of like a mentor in all things Red Court and they had jobs that they had to accomplish. Most of the jobs were kind of heartless. All of the jobs that the Red Court received were from students of the school and once that job is completed the student ends up owing the Red Court.

Ember did have a little romance with Chase. I honestly thought their interactions were really cute. I love how competitive they were with each other. It was hard for Ember to keep her secret from Chase about being involved in with the Red Court. I also liked Ember’s relationship with her best friend Gideon although I did think he was a bit much sometimes, but he did try to keep Ember in check during her involvement with the Red Court.

I really liked this book! The mystery was great and I didn’t suspect who was the Queen of Hearts. This was a quick read and it held my attention the whole time. Definitely pick this book up if you’re interested in revenge and mystery books!

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