Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THREE THINGS ABOUT EMMY CRAWFORD By Allison L. BitzThree Things About Emmy Crawford by Allison L. Bitz
Published by HarperCollins on 10/1/24
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 350
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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There are three things high school senior Emmy Crawford will accomplish, no matter what:

Taking Nationals in debate this season.
Shielding her sister, Issy, from anything that could hurt her, especially her anxiety.
Representing her family well, since her mom may be the next president.

And nothing can get in Emmy's way. Not Crohn’s disease, even if her gut has been acting up. Not the paparazzi, who snap any photos they can get of the daughters of a presidential candidate. And definitely not her feelings for Gabe Castillo, the only debater in DC who stands a chance at beating her—and who she used to be on secret kissing terms with, before he ghosted her. When Gabe unexpectedly returns to the debate scene and Issy starts crushing on him, Emmy works harder than ever to keep her eyes on winning and off her aching heart and body, because the alternative means losing the three things that matter most.

Short and Sweet Review

Emmy Crawford is a senior in high school and she has three goals: Winning the debate nationals, protecting her sister Issy, and being a good representation of her family because her mom is running for president.

Our main character is Emmy. Emmy likes to make lists of threes to keep everything organized and she’s always determined to meet her goals. Emmy has a personality in which she likes to look out for other people but won’t let them know if anything is wrong with her so more often than not she’s trying to hide her emotions and have an I’m fine attitude. Emmy also has Crohn’s disease and it was nice to see this being brought up I just wish Emmy would have taken it more seriously, she didn’t take her medicine and missed appointments, because she was more worried about going to Nationals. There’s two main plots in this book one is Emmy’s mom running for president and the other is going to nationals and having her rival Gabe as a love interest. Let’s start with her mom running for president. We get to see how stressful this is for the whole family because there’s paparazzi trying to find them in precarious situations and its hard for the girls to be normal teens when they’re constantly watched. The whole nationals thing was a big goal for Emmy and that’s a big focus for her during the book. Gabe is on a nationals team for another school and he and Emmy actually had a history until he ghosted her. Emmy thinks her sister Issy likes Gabe so she tries to avoid him and fails and then she tries to hangout with another guy to make Gabe jealous. That whole love triangle was unnecessary and it all could have been avoided with some communication. In the end Emmy had a big wake up call which I think she needed but I wish she could have done more reflection during the book and not when things hit the fan.

Overall, this was an okay book, but Emmy wasn’t my favorite character. I wish she had more growth and truly listened to the feedback people were giving her instead of brushing the advice off. I wouldn’t read this book again but maybe someone who can connect to Emmy’s character and who’s interested in politics and debating will like it.


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