UNPREGNANT By Jenni Hendriks, Ted Caplan

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

UNPREGNANT By Jenni Hendriks, Ted CaplanUnpregnant by Jenni Hendriks, Ted Caplan
Published by HarperTeen on 9/10/19
Genres: Contemporary, Young Adult
Pages: 320
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Seventeen-year-old Veronica Clarke never thought she’d want to fail a test—that is, until she finds herself staring at a piece of plastic with two solid pink lines. With a promising college-bound future now disappearing before her eyes, Veronica considers a decision she never imagined she’d have to make: an abortion.

There’s just one catch—the closest place to get one is over nine hundred miles away. With conservative parents, a . . . let’s say less-than-optimal boyfriend, and no car, Veronica turns to the only person she believes won’t judge her: Bailey Butler, a legendary misfit at Jefferson High—and Veronica’s ex-best friend.

The plan is straightforward: a fourteen-hour drive to the clinic, three hours for the appointment, and a fourteen-hour drive home. What could go wrong?

Not much, apart from three days of stolen cars, shot guns, crazed ex-boyfriends, aliens, ferret napping, and the pain and betrayal of a broken friendship that can’t be outrun.

Under the starlit skies of the American Southwest, Veronica and Bailey discover that sometimes the most important choice is who your friends are.

Short and Sweet

After finding out she’s pregnant the only thing Veronica can think to do is get an abortion, the only problem is the only place that will do the procedure is over 900 miles away. Veronica’s parents are super conservative and her boyfriend isn’t the best, so Veronica looks to her ex-best friend Bailey. The road trip to Albuquerque isn’t an easy one the girls have run ins with some interesting people and are put in different situations and in the end they have to face what went wrong in their friendship.


Veronica: Veronica is looked at as if she’s perfect so finding out that she’s pregnant turns her world upside down. Veronica feels as if she has a reputation to uphold as being the perfect student and daughter. I feel like she had a lot of growth in this book, she started off trying to keep up appearances but towards the end she realized that she’s not who she thought she was and that the things she thought were important aren’t.

Bailey: Bailey is very rough around the edges and has a reputation around school mainly because people look at her as the weird outcast. I thought she was an amazing character, she’s been through a lot and she just needed a friend but she basically hasn’t had any. Her parents split up and she’s just trying to make it through, I think she has a hard exterior to cover up how she really feels inside.


Veronica and Kevin: So I don’t even know where to start except to say the Kevin is crazy like off his rocker crazy. I won’t put any spoilers but he’s the worst person and Veronica can do way better. Every time Kevin showed up and found Veronica and Bailey my jaw literally dropped because he was insane and a stalker and for some reason he thought what he did wasn’t a big deal.

My Thoughts

~ This book deals with the serious subject of abortion but I thought that the humor element went well, it wasn’t a dark and heavy book and it wasn’t as if Veronica was only doing it to keep her reputation, but she really did feel as if it was the right decision for her.

~ I think Bailey was more of the comedic relief while Veronica was more serious but eventually she got Veronica to loosen up.

~ These girls went on the craziest adventure, by leaving town in a stolen car, to getting the stolen car stolen from them, meeting a stripper who was actually very pro-life, and having crazy Kevin follow them over 900 miles.

~ The girls also have a few heart to hearts about their lives, and their friendship and I’m glad that they really had to get to the root of their issues and what happened.

~ Veronica also had some bad “friends” they weren’t true friends and she was only friends with them because she thought she could be the best one in the group.

~ I felt bad for Bailey, because Veronica was her only friend but she ditched her at the start of high school and the past 4 years of high school hasn’t been easy for Bailey.


I loved this book, the topics discussed were serious but we also have talks about friendships, relationships, and I like how everything was covered. This book made me so happy I loved Bailey and Veronica, their road trip was quite the adventure and the humor in this book was amazing! Don’t be afraid to read this book its so funny and heartfelt and I honestly couldn’t put it down!


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