Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

WHEN YOU GET THE CHANCE By Emma LordWhen You Get the Chance by Emma Lord
Published by Wednesday Books on 1/4/22
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 314
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Nothing will get in the way of Millie Price’s dream of becoming a Broadway star. Not her lovable but super introverted dad, who raised Millie alone since she was a baby. Not her drama club rival, Oliver, who is the very definition of Simmering Romantic Tension. And not her “Millie Moods,” the feelings of intense emotion that threaten to overwhelm. Millie needs an ally. And when an accidentally left-open browser brings Millie to her dad’s embarrassingly moody LiveJournal from 2003, Millie knows just what to do—find her mom.

But how can you find a new part of your life and expect it to fit into your old one without leaving any marks? And why is it that when you go looking for the past, it somehow keeps bringing you back to what you’ve had all along?

Short and Sweet Review

Millie Price has dreams of becoming a big broadway star, she even gets accepted into a prominent school. Sadly, her dad doesn’t want her to leave and rejects the idea of her going to this school. Millie then gets this idea that she’s going to find her mother. With the help of her friend Teddy and her dad’s LiveJournal from 2003, Millie and Teddy find 3 possible candidates who could be Millies mom. Millie then gets an internship to get closer to these women and find her mom, but she also ends up fighting for the internship spot with her rival Oliver.

Millie is a character who is set on making her dreams come true. She comes across as confident and an extrovert, and knows that she wants to be on stage. When her dad shoots down her idea of going to school in the west coast she decides that the next person she needs to ask for permission is the mother she’s never met. When she and Teddy go through her dad’s LiveJournal they find three promising candidates: Steph an aspiring actress, Farrah a dance teacher, and Beth a broadway enthusiast. To get closer to Steph, Millie applies to the internship for the famous broadway manager, that’s when she learns that there’s only one spot and she’ll have to go up against her rival Oliver. I thought that the relationship that formed between these two was organic. From what I understand, these two were always going for the same opportunities so it was nice to see them get to know each other, even though they were going against each other for this internship. I loved Teddy, he was a very supportive friend, and Millie and Teddy have been friends so long that they understood each other on another level. Millie just had a great support system around her, and during her journey of finding a mom who hasn’t been in her life she starts to realize how lucky she is for the people in her life. I liked seeing Millie get to know these different women but I also didn’t think she would end up finding who her mother actually was and I was okay with that because we see Millie grow a lot. I thought the ending was really cute and everything ended on a high note which was perfect.

Overall, I’ve read one other book by Emma Lord and When You Get the Chance is probably my favorite, but it also makes me want to read other books by this author. If you’re in the mood for a cute contemporary then add this book to your TBR!


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