THE WINNER’S CURSE By Marie Rutkoski

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE WINNER’S CURSE By Marie RutkoskiThe Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkoski
Series: The Winner's Trilogy #1
Published by Square Fish on 3/3/15
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Historical, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 384
Format: Paperback
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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They were never meant to be together. As a general's daughter, seventeen-year-old Kestrel enjoys an extravagant and privileged life. Arin has nothing but the clothes on his back. Then Kestrel makes an impulsive decision that binds Arin to her. Though they try to fight it, they can't help but fall in love. In order to be together, they must betray their people . . . but to be loyal to their country, they must betray each other. Set in a new world, The Winner's Curse is a story of rebellion, duels, ballroom dances, wicked rumors, dirty secrets, and games where everything is at stake, and the gamble is whether you will keep your head or lose your heart.

Short and Sweet

Kestrel is the daughter of a general, and she has two choices get married or join the military. In this empire the Valorians have enslaved the Herrani. When Kestrel goes to an auction and buys a slave, she doesn’t realize the problem with what she has done until it’s too late.

My Thoughts

~ My favorite thing about Kestrel is how intelligent and strategic. She was also good at getting situations to turn in her favor.

~ Arin was also smart, he knew how to achieve his goals without getting caught.

~ The book is also told in both Kestrel and Arin’s point of view which was interesting, because we get to see what’s going on in their heads and what they’re planning.

~ I liked the relationship dynamic between Kestrel and Arin, it was always shifting. Their relationship also took time to develop.


I thought this was a great book and I can’t wait to read The Winner’s Crime. I’m interested to see what happens next especially after what happened in the end. I would definitely recommend this book!


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