Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

WRONG NUMBER 2 By R.L. StineWrong Number 2 by R.L. Stine
Series: Fear Street #27
Published by Simon Pulse on 2/25/14
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Young Adult
Pages: 131
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Deena and Jade are up to their old tricks, despite their vow to stop the phone pranks. Then the ominous call comes: “I’m getting out soon,” the voice says, “and when I do, I’ll come after you.” Now the girls fear someone is out to kill them!

Short and Sweet Review

Wrong Number 2 is the sequel to The Wrong Number which I also have a review for. I think the synopsis is a little deceiving because it says that Deena and Jade are making prank phone calls again but I don’t remember them doing that in this sequel. What I do know is that the girls are both getting phone calls from someone who sounds like Stanley and is threatening them.

Deena and Jade are back and they’re dealing with threatening phone calls that make it sound like Stanley is going to come for them, the only thing is Stanley is currently in prison so who else could it be? Chuck who was away at college comes back because he dropped out. Honestly Chuck is the worst character, he’s older than both Deena and Jade but he’s the most immature person. Moving on, the girls try to figure out if Stanley was working with someone and they end up bothering Linda again but fail because she already knows who they are from the last time they tried to fool her. So that plan is out the window but things get really dicey when Stanley is released from prison. Chuck and the girls go back to Fear Street and have one final showdown with Stanley. I don’t think that this sequel was necessary. It’s a short book and there’s not much going on. I don’t like the characters I think the only one who sometimes uses common sense is Deena, Chuck and Jade are morons and would probably get themselves killed if Deena wasn’t the voice of reason.

Overall, I wish I didn’t read this book. I had such high hopes for this sequel because I enjoyed the first book and found it entertaining, but it’s hard to root for characters who don’t learn their lesson the first time around. I stick by what I said, read the first book but forget that it has a sequel!

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