49 MILES ALONE By Natalie D. Richards

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

49 MILES ALONE By Natalie D. Richards49 Miles Alone by Natalie D. Richards
Published by Sourcebooks Fire on 7/2/24
Genres: Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 277
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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A year ago, Katie and her cousin Aster survived a night that left their world and easy friendship fractured. Desperate to heal and leave the past behind them, they tackle four days of hiking in the Utah backcountry. But the desert they've loved for years has tricks up its sleeve.

An illness, an injury, and a freak storm leave them short on confidence and supplies. When they come across a young couple with extra supplies on the trail, they're grateful and relieved—at first. Riley exudes friendliness, but everything about her boyfriend Finn spells trouble. That night, after some chilling admissions about Finn from Riley, Katie and Aster wake to hear the couple fighting. Helpless and trapped in the darkness, they witness Riley's desperate race into the night, with Finn chasing after.

In the morning, they find the couple's camp, but Riley and Finn? Vanished. Katie is sure Riley is in trouble. And with help a two-day hike away, they know they are the only ones who can save her before something terrible happens. The clock is ticking and their supplies are dwindling, but Katie and Aster know they have to find Riley before Finn—or the desert—gets to her first.

Short and Sweet Review

Aster and her cousin Katie are about to spend four days hiking in Utah. A year ago Katie and Aster dealt with an event that fractured their friendship. Now they plan on using the four days hiking to heal and rebuild their relationship. While on the trail they deal with illnesses, storms, and a couple who aren’t as nice as they seem to be.

A year ago at a party Katie was raped (I don’t think there’s a content warning for this) and since then everyone tiptoes around her, Aster doesn’t know what to say and Katie wants everyone to know she’s stronger than she looks. When they first start hiking you can tell there’s some awkwardness between them. Throughout the hike the girls deal with Aster being sick, and a storm that stops them from getting to some supplies at the halfway point. When we get to the middle of the book we meet Finn and Riley, they have supplies and are willing to share with the girls. When they witness the couple have a fight and Riley races to get away from Finn, Katie knows that they’re in danger if they don’t get away from Finn. The girls spend the next two days trying to find Riley and get out of the desert. We have the POV of Aster and Katie and also of someone we don’t know. We later learn that the unknown pod belongs to someone who has also come across Finn and Riley. This book isn’t too long so I didn’t like that Finn and Riley were introduced halfway through, I think the whole thriller aspect would of had more of an impact if they came into the story earlier. I did like the setting of the book, I personally would not be able to be out in the desert for four days doing a 49 mile hike. I do have to hand it to the girls, they were out in the desert, with limited supplies at one point, fighting illnesses and the weather, and also trying to out run a guy who seems shady. I think the reveal of the unknown character also could have been better, it was a bit lackluster. The ending was wrapped up a little too quickly and I wasn’t satisfied with it.

Overall, this was a good book. There were somethings I didn’t like and things I did like and I think they balanced each other out. I would recommend this book, its short and it makes you want to figure out what’s going to happen.

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