Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

BROKEN PRINCE By Erin WattBroken Prince by Erin Watt
Series: The Royals #2
Published by EverAfter Romance on 7/25/16
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Pages: 370
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Reed Royal has it all―looks, status, money. The girls at his elite prep school line up to date him, the guys want to be him, but Reed never gave a damn about anyone but his family until Ella Harper walked into his life.

What started off as burning resentment and the need to make his father’s new ward suffer turned into something else entirely―keep Ella close. Keep Ella safe. But when one foolish mistake drives her out of Reed’s arms and brings chaos to the Royal household, Reed’s entire world begins to fall apart around him.

Ella doesn’t want him anymore. She says they’ll only destroy each other.

She might be right.

Short and Sweet

Broken Prince starts right where Paper Princess ended with Ella leaving the Royal household alone and with a broken heart. The Royal family desperately wants to find her as she is the glue that held their family together. Reed has a past he needs to explain to Ella and try to regain everyone’s trust by making amends.

My Thoughts

~ I loved this book! It lived up to my expectations. The Royal trilogy is now one of my favorites.

~ In this book we get a dual POV we get to see what Reed is actually thinking. I liked it getting to see things in his perspective and then seeing things in Ella’s was nice.

~ The characters are what really make these books special. They’re apologetically themselves raw, honest, and flawed.

~ I love Easton we learn so much about him and who he truly is.

~ Ella is a great heroine to follow. She’s a genuinely good person and looks out for her friends and won’t stand around when people try to bully her.

~ There were some plot twist that caught me off guard and it just made me want Twisted Palace even more!

~ The romance between Ella and Reed just puts a grin on my face. The chemistry those two share… they’re developing their relationship and I like it!


If you’ve read the first book you’ll definitely love this sequel. I couldn’t put it down these books are so addicting I just don’t want to leave the world. If you haven’t read Paper Princess you should! All three books are out now, you guys should check them out!



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