THE CABIN By Natasha Preston

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE CABIN By Natasha PrestonThe Cabin by Natasha Preston
Published by Sourcebooks Fire on 9/6/16
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 336
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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They think they're invincible.
They think they can do and say whatever they want.
They think there are no consequences.
They've left me no choice.
It's time for them to pay for their sins.

A weekend partying at a remote cabin is just what Mackenzie needs. She can't wait to let loose with her friends. But a crazy night of fun leaves two of them dead-murdered.

With no signs of a forced entry or struggle, suspicion turns to the five survivors. Someone isn't telling the truth. And Mackenzie's first mistake? Assuming the killing is over...

Short and Sweet

Mackenzie and her friends go away for the weekend to stay at a Josh’s parent’s remote cabin. All of the fun the teens were expecting to have ends short when two friends are found murdered. The police suspect one of the five survivors is the culprit, because they can’t find signs of forced entry. Mackenzie not believing one of her friends could commit murder decides to start an investigation of her own.

My Thoughts

~ Mackenzie was a decent main character. She tried to see the positive in things that would happen. She was also very loyal to her friends. The only problems I had with Mackenzie was that her inner monologue was dramatic and at times I felt like she wasn’t using common sense.

~ Mackenzie decides to do her own detective work, because she thinks the police have the wrong suspects. She had these thoughts for half the book and it got ridiculous because literally no one was in the cabin besides the group of teens! Anyway while doing her detective work she learns secrets about her friends, which then has her questioning if one of them could actually be a murderer.

the office eye roll stanley hudson

~ I just found Mackenzie’s friends annoying of course you’re not going to point the finger at yourself but to blame someone just because they’re new to the group bothered me.

~ During her investigation Mackenzie starts to fall for Blake, the brother of one of the victims, the relationship between these two was definitely insta-love.

~At the end we find out who the murderer is and I wasn’t expecting it to be who it was.


I did not like the ending at all! I thought things would be resolved, but that wasn’t the case. I hope there’s a sequel just so I can have some peace of mind.


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