Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

PARTY GAMES By R.L. StineParty Games by R.L. Stine
Series: Fear Street Relaunch #1
Published by St. Martin's Griffin on 9/30/14
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 286
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Her friends warn her not to go to Brendan Fear's birthday party at his family's estate on mysterious Fear Island. But Rachel Martin has a crush on Brendan and is excited to be invited. Brendan has a lot of party games planned. But one game no one planned intrudes on his party—the game of murder. As the guests start dying one by one, Rachel realizes to her horror that she and the other teenagers are trapped on the tiny island with someone who may want to kill them all. How to escape this deadly game? Rachel doesn't know whom she can trust. She should have realized that nothing is as it seems… on Fear Island.

Short and Sweet Review

Rachel Martin has a crush on Brendan Fear, so when he invites her to a party an all night party on fear island she says yes. Despite the fact that her friend and ex-boyfriend are warning her not to go, Rachel doesn’t want to miss a chance to get closer to her crush. At the party some of the guests end up dying one by one and it doesn’t help that the teens are trapped on the island. Now they all need to survive and figure out a way to get off of Fear island.

This book isn’t original it’s something we’ve all seen: go to a mysterious house people start dying and now you need to survive the night. Honestly I’ve read lots of books like this but that didn’t stop me from reading this book because I wanted to be entertained. This book started off promising I love mysteries I wanted to know who could be killing off the other teens, but then things went downhill fast because it turned into a kidnapping plot? It just got weird from there and I was not happy with the change. It was a plot twist one that I wasn’t expecting but it didn’t work. The dialogue is cheesy especially when the teens are throwing insults back and forth. The romance between Rachel and Brendan made me roll my eyes, there was nothing cute about it. She likes him and all he cares about is pulling off a good prank. Also the fact that they think making out when people are dying around them or when they were kidnapped just makes you wonder how serious they’re taking their predicament.

This was an okay book like I said it started off promising and then just went in a direction that did nothing to improve the situation. I probably would read other books in the series just for the entertainment factor.

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