
Hi guys, so I’ve only read three books for the month of February. School is getting the best of me lol. I just hope I can read a lot more in the month of March but I guess we’ll see in my wrap up. Here are the books I read in February.

Dare You by Jennifer Brown

Dare You

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

The Hate U Give

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Thirteen Reasons why



For November I think I’m going to do the same thing I did in November, and just read books that are on my bookshelf that have been sitting there for a while. But I do know one book I will definitely be reading, Heartless by Marissa Meyer. Update: I’m also close to reaching my Goodreads goal of 80 books I only need to read 6 more books.



Happy Halloween! It’s already the end of October, time flies! So this month I actually read enough to make myself proud. I read 9 books this month, which I’ll list below.

The Lovely Reckless by Kami Garcia

The Lovely Reckless

The Penultimate Peril by Lemony Snicket

The Penultimate Peril

A Week of Mondays by Jessica Brody

A week of Mondays

Ghost Town by Rachel Caine

Ghost Town

I’m Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl by Gretchen McNeil

Im not your manic pixie dream girl

P.S I Like You by Kasie West

P.S. I like you

The Beauty of Darkness by Mary E. Pearson

The Beauty of Darkness

Between the Spark and the Burn by April Genevieve Tucholke

Between the spark and the burn

The Portal to Kerberos

The Portal to Kerberos

And that’s it! 🙂



If you’ve read my September Wrap Up you’ll know I failed hard lol. For October I think I’m just going to read books that I haven’t gotten to on my bookshelf. If you want to know what I’m reading follow me on Goodreads or you can just find out at the end of the month on my wrap up (: .

Happy Reading




September is over and I just realized I only read two books. Yes two books *sigh*. Which two books? Last Seen Leaving and One Was Lost. Reviews for both books have been posted so check them out (: . Hopefully October goes better.

Dani’s 2014 Favorites!!


Happy New Year!!!

In honor of the holiday Dani has compiled her top ten favorite books from 2014! It is a FANTASTIC list!

Now I have to hop over to Amazon to purchase the ones I don’t have!

Dissonance, Erica O’RourkeDissonancebyEricaORourkeDissonance was just an amazing book. Delancey is a walker and she travels into echoes which are alternate universes and she has to keep these different dimensions in harmony. I loved the characters in this book especially Del and Simon. I also loved their relationship. Dissonance left me wanting more, now to wait for Resonance.

Jackaby, William Ritter

jackobyJackaby was just a fun read. Who doesn’t like a mystery with supernatural beings involved? I was so captivated the plot and the characters were great. Abigail Rook recently arrived to New Fiddleham, New England and meets R. F. Jackaby an investigator and her world is changed in an instant. It was awesome going on an adventure with both Abigail and Jackaby they were funny and had a great connection. I thought I could figure out who was behind the murders but I was wrong, and when I found out who it was I was surprised. Jackaby is a short book and a wonderful read especially if you’re in the mood for a mystery.


A Thousand Pieces Of You, Claudia GrayGrayA Thousand Pieces Of You was a fun book, I love books that involve alternate universes. Marguerite’s father is murdered and she uses her parents invention the Firebird to enter alternate universes to find her fathers killer with the help of her parents assistant Theo. Marguerite and Theo are looking for Paul her parents other assistant.  Marguerite is sure he’s the one who did it. I really liked this book because in each world Marguerite jumps to she meets Paul and realizes that she may have the wrong guy. When Marguerite and Paul are together it’s such a sweet relationship they share. I also like the mystery aspect and trying to find out who really was behind the Murder.


Beware the Wild, Natalie C. Parker13639182When Sterling’s brother Phineas goes in the swamp and doesn’t come out but Lenora May does, Sterling takes it upon herself to get him back. Sterling is the only one in town who remembers her brother even existed, but she gets a little help from Heath someone who has been through the same thing and is willing to help. This book was creepy but it left me wanting more and I couldn’t put it down. I thought I knew who I could trust while I was reading this but there was a big twist and I didn’t see it coming.


Get Even, Gretchen McNeilGet EvenI love my mystery books! The DGM is targeted by someone who has it out for them. The culprit is murdering people and leaving a DGM card with the bodies. It’s up to Bree, Kitty, Olivia, and Margot to get to the bottom of it. This book has all four girls point of views and it was just crazy especially when the killer would target them individually. This book left on a cliffhanger and now I have to wait for Get Dirty!


Made For You, Melissa Marfe5339db08c98f1798848d1e7431c7faMade For You is another mystery book and a good one too. Eva wakes up in the hospital to learn that someone tried to kill her by hitting her with a car. After this attempt on her life Eva has the ability to see people’s deaths. The killer is targeting Eva’s friends and she tries to keep her friends safe using her new found ability. Eva gets help from an old flame Nate.  He tries to help her learn how to use her power. The killer has a point of view in this book to and his motives were sick. Made for you is creepy and really good.


Cress, Marissa Meyer9cdef07a49465f8b70efde39f8d1258cAs much as I love mysteries I also love fairy tale retellings, but the Lunar Chronicles series uses elements of fairy tales. I was unsure about this series at first but when I read Cinder and Scarlet I knew I had to get Cress. Cress takes place right after the events of Scarlet and it was just amazing. I loved reading all of the characters points of view especially when they all got separated. Cress blew me away! I really want to read Winter so November hurry up! But in the mean time Queen Levana’s story comes out in January so that’ll hold me over until then.


Ruin and Rising, Leigh Bardugotumblr_n0zwlbUkQG1qm7imdo1_1280The Grisha trilogy was another series I was unsure about reading but when I really got into it I couldn’t stop. This was the final battle between Alina and the Darkling. Ruin and Rising was just a great ending to this series I loved it especially learning why the Darkling and Alina have a bond. It was a happy ending and I couldn’t have asked for more. Now I have to wait for Leigh’s next book.


Killer Frost, Jennifer EstepKiller-FrostThe Mythos Academy has to be one of my favorite series. It took me a while to read Killer Frost and its just because I didn’t want it to be the last book. It’s the last adventure with Gwen and her friends and this time it’s to face Loki. The ending to this book was really sweet and I loved it, it was an amazing ending to my favorite series. Definitely Going to get Jennifer’s next book Cold Burn of Magic.


Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless, Liz Czukas20646933It’s Christmas Eve and Chloe is stuck in the break room with 5 other coworkers because they’re being accused of stealing up to 10,000 and they can’t leave until the money is found. Chloe and her coworkers work together to try to solve the mystery of who stole the money so they can go home. This book was a fun and short read. Chloe is a fun main character and I love that she wants to be Nancy Drew and try to solve this mystery. I also love scenes with her and her crush Tyson.

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