Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

UNDER THE SURFACE By Diana UrbanUnder the Surface by Diana Urban
Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers on 8/13/24
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 304
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Ruby is terrified to cave to her feelings for Sean and risk him crushing her heart.

Sean is pumped to spend a week with Ruby in Paris on their senior class trip, and he’ll wait however long until she’s ready to take things further.

But when Ruby’s best friend sneaks out the first night to meet a mysterious French boy, Ruby goes after her with two classmates, but caves to another temptation: attending mystery boy’s exclusive party in the Paris catacombs, the intricate web of tunnels beneath the city, home to six million long-dead Parisians. Only they never reach the party.

Underground, as something sinister chases them, they get lost in the endless maze of bones, uncovering dark secrets about the catacombs…..and each other. And if they can’t find a way out, they’ll die in the dark beneath the City of Light.

Aboveground, Sean races to find the girl he loves as a media frenzy over the four missing teens begins.

Short and Sweet Review

Ruby is on her senior class trip in Paris and she wants to explore and get some great footage for her Youtube channel. Sean has wanted to be with Ruby for a while and he’ll take things as slow as she wants, he’s just happy to spend a week with her in Paris. When Ruby’s best friend Val, tells her she’s going to a party Ruby decides to bring her back to the hotel so Val won’t get in trouble. On her way to get Val, Ruby brings along two other classmates, Selena and Olivia. Once this trio catches up to Val and Julien they end up in the catacombs, things go wrong quickly and this group ends up lost in this underground maze with people chasing them. Ruby is determined to get out with her friends alive and Sean is determined to do everything to find the girl he loves.

My knowledge of the Paris Catacombs is limited to what I saw in the Nancy Drew game Danger by Design. When reading this book I became fascinated by the catacombs and what our characters would be experiencing down there. We have five characters stuck down in the catacombs and once they realize they’re lost, things start to get real fast. Ruby and Val are currently best friends and Val seems to be a trouble maker when other characters bring her up they always allude to her being up to no good. Ruby and Selena used to be friends until there was some drama and we can see that Ruby is still longing for that friendship to work out. Olivia on the other hand was unfortunately brought by Ruby when she could have been back at the hotel safe and sound. Julien is a cataphile and he’s supposed to know his way around the catacombs but he gets lost, but it’s pretty obvious he knows more than he’s willing to share. I wanted to bring up everyone because there’s some conversations that happen in the catacombs that either save friendships or break them. I was worried for this group because they’re being chased by people who want to harm them and these people also know their way around that catacombs and it doesn’t help that Julien is all of a sudden turned around down there. This book is a big game of cat and mouse and it gets stressful for the reader just knowing how claustrophobic it is down there and how it seems like no one is going to find them. The ending did get a bit cheesy at one point and I also thought the reasoning for the things happening was a bit out there. I don’t think I’ve touched enough on what was happening above ground. Sean is determined to look for Ruby and he doesn’t think the police are doing enough so he puts his sleuthing skills to work. From Seans POV we get to see the chaos of having four girls go missing in another country and the media frenzy it causes. I do admire how he put his foot down and followed his gut even when people wanted him to back down.

Overall, I had a good time reading this book. I loved the atmosphere and just being with the characters underground and seeing how they navigate feeling lost and trying to get above ground again. If you want to read a book that’ll keep you on your toes, pick this book up!

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