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Series: Villains #3
Published by Disney Press on 7/26/16
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Retellings, Young Adult
Pages: 140
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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The tale of the sea king's daughter Ariel is a beloved one of losing-and then finding-one's own voice. The story has been told many times and in many ways. But always the mergirl wants more than her world can offer, and her father demands that she live within the confines of his domain. Her rebelliousness costs the little mermaid her voice and nearly her soul. But the power of good prevails, and Ariel emerges proud and unchanged.
And yet this is only half the story. So what of Ariel's nemesis, Ursula, the sea witch? What led to her becoming so twisted, scorned, and filled with hatred? Many tales have tried to explain her motives. Here is one account of what might have shaped the sea witch into a detestable and poor unfortunate soul.
Short and Sweet Review
Poor Unfortunate Soul follows everyones favorite Sea Witch, Ursula. In this book we see Ursula express her anger and frustrations about how her brother Triton has treated her over the years and how her anger has consumed her over the years. Ursula comes up with a plan to get revenge by going after Tritons younger daughter, Ariel, and from there I think we all know how the story goes.
Unfortunately this book was a let down. There was more of a focus on the Odd sisters and Princess Tulip than there was on Ursula. The Odd sisters seek out Ursula and ask for their help in finding their sister Circe, and princess Tulip and her Nanny are involved because Circe has been helping them. Things could have been better if there was more of a focus on Ursula than everything else the author had going on. The previous books showed the Odd sisters but the focus was more on our title characters than them. Hopefully the next book in the series sticks to the actual main character and their story line rather than the secondary characters. The story was okay, I understand what the author was trying to do but this book was just too short to make it work.