Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

CLIQUE BAIT By Ann ValettClique Bait by Ann Valett
Published by HarperTeen on 4/28/20
Genres: Contemporary, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Chloe Whittaker is out for revenge.

Last year her best friend Monica’s life was unceremoniously ruined by the most popular students at their high school, so this year Chloe plans to take each and every one of them down. She’s traded in her jeans and T-shirts for the latest designer clothes, erased anything on social media that would tie her to Monica (and blow her cover), and carefully figured out how she will befriend the members of the clique, find out their deepest and darkest secrets, and reveal them to the world.

Chloe has the perfect plan . . . but there’s one thing she didn’t prepare for. And that’s falling for someone she’s determined to destroy. The closer she gets to uncovering the secrets the in-crowd is determined to cover up, the more she realizes that she is going to have to choose between betraying her oldest friend or the boy who’s captured her heart

Short and Sweet

Chloe Whittaker is about to take down the most popular students in her school, the level ones. After the death of her best friend Monica, Chloe is out for revenge and she’ll do whatever it takes to find their weaknesses and secrets to bring them down. But the last thing Chloe wanted was to fall for someone in the group.


Chloe: Chloe is our main character and she’s really smart. The planning that she did to pull everything off was amazing. She put a lot of thought into everything especially how she would become apart of the group and discover their secrets. I liked Chloe she had good intentions but she was also blinded by her need for revenge.

William: I loved Will he was caring and when we get to learn more about him the more lovable he is. He looked out for Chloe and tried to keep her out of harms way as much as he possibly could.

The Level Ones: Francis, Lola, Sophie, Maddy, Zach, and Will are the most popular students in the school. Chloe blames them for Monica’s death and is determined to bring them down. Out of all of the level ones I think Maddy and Will are the nicest.


Chloe and William: Well this relationship started off with some blackmail and faking but by the end these two really developed feelings for each other and I loved it. These two were just playing a part so that Chloe could make her way into the level one crowd but she started to like Will and he started to care for her and look out for her it was sweet.

Francis and Lola: The school’s power couple. These two may seem perfect on the outside but these two had a lot of cracks in their relationship that most people didn’t know about. I didn’t like Francis he was kind of verbally abusive.


~ “Observe, blackmail, initiate, infiltrate, collect and expose.”

My Thoughts

~ The kids in level one are ruthless and are mean to the kids who aren’t in their group.

~ It was interesting to see how Chloe infiltrated her way into the group. I liked watching Chloe navigate the life of a level one and even seeing her plan unfold.

~ I thought Maddy was the nicest girl in the group she really tried to look out for Chloe and become her friend.

~ It was interesting to learn all the secrets that the Level ones had and how it would affect their lives once it got out.

~I know Chloe was getting revenge for Monica but the more I read I felt like Monica wasn’t the greatest friend to Chloe in her last couple of months, especially when Monica became a Level one.

~ Almost every chapter starts with a letter that Chloe wrote to Monica which I liked, it was interesting to see what their friendship was like during the good times.


I loved this book and it kept me hooked from beginning to end. I read this book in one sitting and I would read it again. It was like a mean girls with a lot of revenge. I’m so happy that I got to read this book because it was amazing and not once did I feel like it got boring or lost my interest. Read this book!!! If you love mean girls, revenge, fake dating, then this book is for you!

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